Blur after respawn

I’m back with the same problem, it only works when it feels like it, not always, I’ve checked several times and it works from time to time

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Does the localscript restart when you respawn?

ResetOnSpawn only applies to GUI elements

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explain, I don’t understand what you mean

i prefer putting another script, add task.wait(1) or waitforchild because when player script checkes for character, it’s not loaded

Screenshot 2023-12-27 151943

this local script should solve the problem, but it only happens when it feels like it, not always

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Try adding a while loop, always checking if the player’s health is smaller than 0, and if it is, the loop breaks and the blur gets set to 0:

while game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.Health > 0 then
Blur.Size = 0

Because the connection is quite broken sometimes.

it doesn’t work that way either

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i have another solution, make gui don’t reset on spawn and then you can press exit, easy and simple

To do this, select property of ResetOnSpawn to false in screen gui

I tried, it aggravates the problem more

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ok, i don’t know what is problem now, sorry Flash but i can’t help you, you could try to rewrite entire script, or prevent resetting character, maybe try to change location to starter gui or something. I run out of ideas

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maybe go for a walk, sometimes ideas come next day, it’s helpfull, it’s my tip for you for now

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good idea that when you touch a part, do not allow reset and when you press exit, allow access again

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you see, always idea comes from nowhere, next time maybe experiment ect. with alternative ways such as maybe buttons or something.

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