BlurEffect.Direction (Vector2)

It is currently too hard to make good-looking motion blur. You can blur the screen based on how fast the camera is rotating, but that looks odd if the blur doesn’t have a direction. Blur.Direction would be a Vector2 value that makes the blur go in a specific direction.


Maybe just a separate blur effect for motion blur, or like an enum to set the type of blur alg used? (Since there’s lots of different types of blurs)


What kinds of games does motion blur benefit?

I play shooters mostly and I always turn it off. It makes everything look bad imo.


yeah same, if a game has motion blur I always turn it off. Its annoying


I could think of a story game with a good use of blur - for example lets say in the story game the character loses their classes you could apply a blur effect to indicate you’ve lost the glasses and make it quite realistic or using a telescope to view something it’s blurry but you gradually manage to focus it in and lose the blur.

I agree in shooting games it would probably look nasty but I could find some legitimate use cases in a story driven game.

This feature request is specifically for motion blur.

For regular blur check out BlurEffect.


Many racing games or games that involve moving fast like Mirror’s Edge use motion blur to get a sense of speed. Crysis 1 did it to individual objects that move fast. Like when reloading a gun. Killzone 3 did it in various situations when reloading, aiming etc.

Motion blur can do a good job at making things feel more ‘intense’ or ‘real’ when used in a smart way, but is often abused like chromatic aberration.