Blurry / compressed materials on the desktop web-launched client despite adequate hardware availability

This is the worst I’ve seen it lol


seems to still be actively happening and is making everything super amplified or outright changing the colors, as well as messing with some of the hitboxes for voxels.


We appreciate the reply and have pushed out a fix in the meantime that should resolve this issue.

Please let us know if you still see this issue.


Thank you, can we please have assurances that this is either a bug or if it’s a feature, we will be able to disable it client sided?

There’s no point in Roblox adding all these nice graphics features just to forcibly make the quality way lower.


Happens randomly. Can occur on any device, even with sufficient RAM and VRAM. Seen it in basically every Roblox game by now.


I’ve noticed this is Project Smash where sometimes the stud texture is unbearably low quality and the billboard’s become unreadable. I have a pretty good gaming PC so it should be able to handle without the resolution scaling.


This is also happening to me, PBR is not loading and instead I get a low quality colormap on my mesh weapons. I have more than enough memory on my PC.


I am noticing that this issue has resurfaced again, however it seems to especially affect user-made decals, rather than the built-in materials. Its hideous and a completely useless feature, and should be removed permanently from this platform. Why such a bad feature has even been implemented is beyond my comprehension.

Not only is texture resolution and compression changed multiple times on the fly, there is also a really hideous fuzzy outline added, however that could just be the terrible compression algorithm.

Here are two example images of npc character’s in someone else’s game. The second image is the one which has a problem.


It’s when your device runs out of memory or roblox thinks it is to prevent crashes (I’ve noticed a lot of Roblox devs are extremely bad at UV optimization and keeping texture size low, why does a 2x2 stud block need to have an 1024x1024 texture :sob: ); but it should defo be reworked to be less aggressive. I also think a possible way to rework it is to compress it a little bit more from the start so that it’s not getting downscaled really low during runtime. Before, there was also a system that downscaled textures not being looked at however that was also wayyy too aggressive; looking away from an object for more than 30 seconds resulted in the texture completely unloading and remaining grey when you looked back at it while the texture reloaded.


Well frankly it shouldn’t be forced on the user anyway, especially not when their memory detection and commit is broken. Roblox doesn’t dynamically alter its commited memory at all, when they really should. Is there a way to force Roblox to commit or have more ram allocated to it?

The worst part about all this is Roblox forcing it on users with no setting to disable or alter its behaviour. The rest of the gaming industry offer plenty of graphics and computation settings for users, so why can’t Roblox?


That actually occurs to some extent; that’s why on baseplates you get about 4GB of RAM usage on a 8GB device, Roblox is trying to use all the available memory to run smoothly. Just curious, what is your ram usage while playing roblox?

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Well this seems to be completely untrue because my Roblox client consumes less than 2GB of RAM per instance, and this is consistent. Its completely broken. I have 16gb of ddr4 memory, and most is available.

Then again Roblox is well known for behaving wildely different on different devices, so who knows. I’ve had to force enable fflags to get vulkan rendering to work, as the auto detection that is meant to switch the rendering to that engine on high-end systems is also broken on my end.


If I’m understanding this correctly, I believe you are incorrect. Roblox can actually reduce it’s memory usage if under memory pressure:

Apparently, Vulkan can only be triggered naturally on mobile because of the graphics API prioritization, as mobile only really has OpenGL and Vulkan, so OpenGL is the fallback API and Vulkan is the primary one (but I have not personally confirmed).

Maybe it is because you are forcing Vulkan, and maybe Vulkan mode uses RAM more efficiently?


Why would it reduce memory usage if under pressure? It should be INCREASING IT.

Yeah no… I have many games that suffer severe fps spikes and drawbacks because of the lack of memory for assets. Roblox simply does not use enough memory for many of the higher-quality games on its platform. My system has PLENTY of memory, yet Roblox refuses to even touch most of it.
Vulkan generally reduces CPU usage, but has little impact on RAM (a Rendering engine will have no impact on how assets are stored, but more efficient storage formats or realtime compression and decompression would… and that would only impact currently loaded assets, as Roblox streams game assets rather than them being locally stored on your computer like games you download)


“Under pressure” as in “I will crash in mere moments if I don’t reduce my memory usage”. Sorry for not being clear.


these are called mipmaps, roblox automatically enables them to improve performance


No worries.
Well as my system has far more than enough RAM, such a scenario shouldn’t be the case.

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There is no performance improvement needed on a device that likely has better hardware (including networking) than Roblox’s own servers.

Its not you its roblox, even if you have had the best ram in the world it would still get low resulotion. its the engine, they do this to support low end devices that play roblox games.

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i guess you have to play with the render settings in studio