Body angular velocity not rotating around the X asxis

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I am attempting to create an airplane roll/pitch system and the “roll” part is not working because the body angular velocity wont rotate around the x. only around the Y.

  1. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!

Ass you can see in the image above, I have the property set for way more than it needs to be and it still does not rotate in that way. I’ve tried different values and I’ve tried searching but I haven’t found anyone with a similar problem.

Here’s the same part with the same BodyAngularVelocity, cloned and rotated:


You’ll notice they all spin on the same world-space axis. That’s because BodyAngularVelocity tries to set the world-space AngularVelocity, not the object-space AngularVelocity, i.e. rotation relative to the Part itself.

If you use the up-to-date “Constraint movers” instead of the legacy BodyMover types, you can get the behavior you want:


Just set RelativeTo to Attachment0 and it works.