As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to change all of the properties of a BodyColors object at once. If you just want to change the skin tone, meaning changing all of the limbs at once, it’d be nice if this object just had a method to do that instead of having to set all of the properties individually.
This might be kind of niche (games with character customization), but I don’t really see any down sides and it’d be pretty easy for someone at Roblox to implement, so why not?
Adding API for the sake of adding new API is basically the definition of API bloat. Something like this should be made into a small Lua function inside your own code. For example:
local function setColor(bodyColors, skinTone)
bodyColors.HeadColor = skinTone
bodyColors.LeftArmColor = skinTone
bodyColors.RightArmColor = skinTone
bodyColors.LeftLegColor = skinTone
bodyColors.RightLegColor = skinTone
bodyColors.TorsoColor = skinTone
setColor(bodyColors, skinTone)
Here’s another fun way you could do it in a short way:
for _, enumItem in pairs(Enum.BodyPart:GetEnumItems()) do
bodyColors[enumItem.Name .. "Color"] = skinTone
(I don’t recommend this because Enum.BodyPart has nothing to do with BodyColors, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Roblox is already full of methods that make code shorter and easier and accomplish tasks that would still be possible without them.
I don’t think that API bloat is a concern here because BodyColors is a pretty basic object already and you won’t really be running into this method anywhere unless you were specifically looking at the documentation for BodyColors- which is where I’d expect to see something like this.
I’d rather have the tools in the base API to write concise code rather than needing to use a ModuleScript full of convenience methods that I might need.
At the same time, this is the first time in ten years that I’ve ever needed something like this, but I checked the Wiki because I expected something like this to already exist. I guess I just figured an object that is specifically made for managing skin color would have skin color-related methods.