Thought it’d be cool to make a boss battle soundtrack while testing some synth sounds. The first repeated section I envisioned the boss to have full health - just went into battle.
The second repeated section is when the battle is halfway done and the attacks are getting stronger. The end is when there’s hardly any health left and the attacks are the strongest.
Let me know what you think!
The modulation up a half step 30 seconds in was a nice contrast but I think there is room for more melodies/harmonies in the background as the only contrasting theme is the modulation up a half step.
As the health lowers maybe take away some instruments, have the melody become longer, etc.
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Thanks man! Will definitely think more about that next time, was kinda just testing some synths but still I’m glad it’s not a train wreck 
Also thanks bro I always seem to find ya on my music posts, so thank you for all the tips! They have actually helped me
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