Breeze into Wind! [Fully Released]

this will be awesome as I would love to make my own plant models sway in the wind.



Different question though. I have a slight issue with how the wind interacts with clouds; when you set the speed to 0, the clouds don’t move at all.

Makes sense, but at the same time it doesn’t, because if you put the wind to 0, the grass moves in a default fashion.

It would be great if we were able have clouds moving without having to set the wind speed, as it affects particle emitters.

Thanks! :smile: :+1:


The wind is great and all, but how about actually fixing the UI snapping?
It’s been months since that issue was addressed and it’s still not fixed.

we need the roblox grass on parts aswell


But overall, great update.
This could be used for flags.

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Good points here and something the team has already been taking into consideration for future additions to wind. It’s useful to get this feedback to help us prioritize these internally. Thanks!


Can we change the wind’s speed at some parts of the game? like if there was explodes we can change the wind direction of that place to look more realistic


Question is the wind going to have a feature that enables us “Developers.” to have it so it can affect parts (or welded parts) so it can move along side with the speed and the direction of the wind. (Parts like trussing, cranes, moving vehicles and etc) and also will it affect the way how water moves?

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It would be cool if it could be edited similar to a UIGradient, where it’s a wind gradient as it goes up.

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Can’t wait to see it. Will density effect it? (couldn’t find it on the roadmap)

I think the next thing that we need to see is the direction of the waves in Roblox water being effected by the wind as well.


That would be great, because I’d love to make a system like the Wild West where something like the train or an entity running will slightly cause the grass around them to blow in the wind.


You and me both. Perhaps a LocalWind property somewhere, considering this is Global Wind.


That would be a useful and feaseable module


I think adding option WindAffected to BaseParts. would be great. I imagine that it would let certain exposed parts of BasePart breeze while center is blocked or attached to something. Isn’t it a cool idea?


The terrain has been looking better and better over the years. I have tried using it and, while I really like the look of it, I could only use it after substantial performance improvements. But hearing this makes me very excited! The terrain really needs a larger render distance and just the ability to render more of it without impacting the framerates, especially on lower-end devices. Or maybe we should have the ability to change the quality settings for the terrain more precisely so we can potentially implement our own ‘low detail modes’ with terrain. This is exciting though and I can’t wait to see the improvements that are coming in the future!


Love this update so far!

This’ll all go nice when terrain grass height property gets implemented
Also character-grass interaction physics would also be nice.


Wow im really excited, this will probably change alot in the flight simulation area in roblox. Really important question tho… are the units for the properties going to be similar to real life for better ease of simulating real life physics?


There could probably be a Y value editor for the wind speed.


i mean why like why lol. It looks really good with grass, but what you needed 11 people for?
Only in 1% of games it is actually needed, why not to work on something that is more important? lol

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