Breeze into Wind! [Fully Released]

I mean, you gotta be dumb to put it inf

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I cant close wind settings, but its very cool. I would also add that the player interacts while walking on the grass


From the bottom of my heart i thank every single soul who contributed to this, thank you.
Finally Roblox is using standard wind generation that most games use, I’ve tried recreating this before with a custom grass system but that could only handle 40 000 grass blades before there you could notice your FPS drop

I am someone who loves grass in games to a whole nother layer
Once again thank you to everyone that worked on this to bring a new and amazing feature to Roblox! :wave:


Will this affect objects that are in the air and not anchored, for example a part with BodyVelocity in it? It would be cool since for example im working on an airdrop system and if this affects parts in the sky the airdrop would actually move to random location depending on the wind.



Wow, I love this, keep delivering amazing updates like these!

What about CLOUDS though? Any updates on those since we’re on the topic of weather? What about grass HEIGHT?


I have encountered an Issue where just loading into the place normally with the wind feature enabled breaks the grass and clouds.
The grass stops moving, and the clouds stop moving and it looks really low quality.


does this also affect accesories that emit particles?


This is just a beta and isn’t enabled in live games


This update is so cool, it really gives life to maps!


Its broken in my studio, not in live game.


This is an amazing update!. Including for my game!. But, I wonder if this is going to cause lag as I mentioned later on in this topic.


that actually would be kinda useful for certain games like if you making a ring or something above a planet u could use clouds to do that ig

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Finally y’all actually doing something as cool as this!

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You might as well script the wind as an option to your game if your players are experiencing lag.

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This is great! Wind is an essential part of an environment and games will feel way more immersive with it. We need more updates like this!

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:+1: Oh yes!. I also realise you can change the amount of global wind too like there’s a slider!.

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it was just for testing purposes, nice try tho

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A nice addition! However, when it comes to grass and clouds, are there any plans for introducing more configuration? For example:

Grass: Height, width/shape, scale, etc. (It would be pretty nice if the width could be a NumberSequence, allowing different shapes and possible randomness using envelopes.)

Clouds: Height/Offset (How far the clouds are away).


This is so awesome! This will be so good for horror games and open world games

This seems so cool amazing update!

Would this work with the new shorelines update and the wind and shorelines be in sync?

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