Breeze into Wind! [Fully Released]

Is there a way to set wind direction for clouds separately?

It won’t always make sense to have two completely separate height levels to have the same kind of wind acting on them.


This Update Blows

(in a good way, i like this update just had to make the joke)

In all seriousness this update is really good way of improving realism in our games. Love to see more things we can do with it in the future!


The grass was slightly moving before wind was introduced, now it’s just been expanded upon with some more control, it has almost no affect on performnace, if even at all.


Amazing addition, been waiting for it to go live ever since i first saw it.
Any hopes we could also get local wind as some kind of localized wind direction modifier?

Huge kudos to the people bringing us this awesome feature!

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Oh okay thanks for that!. Thought that was the case :+1:

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Anybody knows how to recreate the wind sock that’s in the Wind widget?


I doubt it does, all it does (for the grass at least) is change the rate at which it moves, and changes the angle

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Finally!!! This looks amazing :fire:. It would be really good if, in the future, the wind is able to interact with trees and leaves.

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Minor issue but for some reason the sun is being blocked by the clouds even when the clouds aren’t there (most likely just tiny clouds that I can’t see but still technically “exist”), and further more, it happens kinda rapidly/flickery.

I have cover set to 0.6 and Density to 1 if it helps at all.

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Use the wind direction UI it’s easier.

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Awesome. Now can you implement this with water?


This is an absolute W feature.


YES! We need to be able to customize water way more too.


This is a great feature, I’ve just made a simple random wind direction, yaw, and speed script, added on some rain, used the new clouds feature and I’ve successfully made good-looking weather


Amazing update, keep up the good work!


rare roblox W, thanks for adding wonderful stuff like this, i love it!


I think this would be really useful for some games. This would make games way more realistic.

I hope that in the near future we can “apply” wind to parts so I could make swaying trees (without all the math). You would also be able to make swings appear more natural.


That’s amazing! I’ve been waiting for this for a very long time. I look forward to an implementation of trees swaying in the wind, as it’s done in engines like UE and Unity.


That’s just great! But there are some questions too…
Will be there a variable for ParticleEmitters which will tell how much wind had affected the Particle itself? (So we could just TurnOff the Particle, if the affect is too much… For instance, fire, which will went out in strong winds)
And can we make parts affected by wind too? For example, leaves on trees


This is amazing. One of my programmers did this a long time ago and it affected waves as well. Might be something to think about if it’s not implemented yet.

Also, please think about adding a grass length slider, or make a material variant option as grass is too tall sometimes IMO.