BubbleChat's Epic Makeover

Great!, it’s looking more amazing than before, good job on that one!


Looks amazing, I’m interested to try it out
ID: 5322419007

This new version of the bubble chat looks great! The round sides are an improvement of the old one!
I am interested to implement the new version into one of my games.
ID: 5491304957

How about implementing an in-game emoji keyboard? Maybe only add the ones that are custom made for the Forums (e.g. :123: :angry: :angst: :happy1: :coefficients: :robux_gold: :robux_light: :roblox_light:). I think these emojis would fit the style of the new bubble chat. Very great update! Except for that one gap pixel though…

I’m also interested in testing this out on my showcases. This one and this one. Thanks!


I’m interested in trying it out.

ID: 5611567393

I am very interested in testing out the bubble chat!

Game link: Coloring Simulator - Roblox

Id: 3285368977

Looks very cool! Can’t wait to try it out!

I would like this place to be enabled for the beta: HD testing - Roblox

I am interested in being apart of the beta testing for these two games:

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Some gamepasses have to be removed.


I’m interested to enable it. Place ID: 5611751848

I love the bubble chat update!

I would like to see how the new one works, verses the current one running in my game!

Finally! I wanted this since a very long time, can’t wait for thissssssssssssss!!!

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I’m interested in having this feature enabled in my place, Tower Defense Simulator! 🎃 [UGC/EVENT] 🎃 Tower Defense Simulator - Roblox


It’s because it’s currently a closed beta in which you submit games you have created where you would like to try it out. Once the feature goes live to the public in full, it will probably no longer be read-only.

Noone gonna talk about the bubbles getting a shadow when pushed up? image

I really like this change, does this mean we will be getting new chat soon??? :open_mouth:


Would we be able to change the roundness of these corners because too me they look far far far too round.
Also disabling that wonky pop up animation is a must for me.

I’m interested in having this feature enabled in my place!
3190767416 (link)

Nice, this looks really neat! Having the option to set the customization options for specific players would be a great thing to have.

I’m interested in having this enabled in all my group places. The IDs are 5305735032, 4673075240, 2959968042, and 4246844663.

I want you to fix “tags”
For example, “I want to go to the bank!” will be “I want to go to the #!”
And if I chatted something in Japanese, it’ll be tags even I didn’t chat something bad word.

I was wondering if a feature would be added so we could change the different chat features for a whisper message, team chat message, and just a general server message?
Ex. Making team chat have a blue background and a whisper chat have a green background and bolded text.

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