I second this! That gray line is quite jarring to look at.
Still terrible when people here spam their game ID instead of having a good visibility over real suggestions. The height of the bubble and the way it collides in parts/meshes to fit them instead of having something that fully clip in your buildings is an interesting feature I guess. Very useful in mines and tiny corridors when you roleplay instead of having to crouch and to lower the camera angle to be able to read the message… Its really annoying, trust me
Wow! This is actually really cool! I really love the transition when it goes onto the next bubble chat, really smooth!
Text fonts, color, and bubble background color? Wow, that’s awesome! Can’t wait for it to come out!!!
Amazing update, well done roblox!
I would be interested in having this feature enabled in my games:
If only one game is allowed, then please can you enable it on the Training Centre: 3732332881
This actually sounds really cool! I feel like it will add a bit more life to Roblox games and it’s definitely a step in the right direction. Good job, Roblox!
It’s far to cartoony, the original one works just fine, not sure why this is needed honestly.
I’d like to have the chat toggle back in the Game Settings.
My only feedback would be that It would be far more preferable if all new features were forkable and developers could access them at will.
It feels like in an era where Roblox is trying to be transparent and open up the development environment to extension by develoepers, putting more new creations behind a corescript is counter-intuitive.
To me, this sounds like the opposite of a problem; as a developer, I’d want access to said libraries and the ability to modify the chat system with them. Is there some other nuanced issues that comes with making this project open-source? Going off the information in the post, the support for making it a CoreScript seems pretty weak, no offense intended. Any information would be appreciated.
We’d love to use it at our games:
ID: 3664995855 and 5414889096
Looks amazing!
I’d be interested in testing this,
heres my game ID: 5400529219
I would like this enabled in my game.
PlaceID: 5424806800
Hello, I’d like to test it out.
Place ID: 2551170168
What I like the most about this update would be to hidden bubble from a far distance. In the past on many games that had bubble chat, if the world around you didn’t render in due to how far you’re looking or you simple have a clear view some how, you can see locations of players and get an unfair advantage because they talked (I’d avoid by using /whisper in competitive games like this).
Not sure how I feel on the bubbles changing based on camera distance, if your character is within a close distance to a player chatting then you’d think that the player is interested in that chat? So by looking around when scrolling out, you lose what the player is saying for a bit. Just my opinion
However biggest dislike is making BubbleChat hidden such that a developer cannot modify the code of the new system. Recently Roblox has been giving more customization to players by allowing more to be modifed, yet this is a step back by taking a feature away from the developer.
I think this will make some Roblox Games feel more “alive” with this now! I don’t know quite what else to say, but I know that this looks awesome!
Wow I can’t wait until it’s public!
Even though this is nice, can there be a client setting for people to use the old bubble chat and new bubble chat if the game has it enabled, since some people do not like it.
I’d like to try it out.
Also will there be an option to set the view distance? Seems kinda short.
That’s honestly nice that you can still use the old bubble chat in your game so that means it’s not gone forever, at least not now