Hi, I’m really enjoying the new Avatar Curation feature—thank you for creating it!
However, I believe I’ve encountered a bug in the “My Posted Avatars” list.
Initially, the first 50 avatars I posted were listed correctly. However, when I registered my 51st avatar, the total number of items in the list did not increase to 51. Instead, the first avatar I had registered disappeared from the list, capping the visible items at 50.
This issue persisted as I continued to post avatars. By the time I added my 82nd avatar, the first 32 avatars I registered were no longer visible in the list. I noticed that these avatars still appeared in the “Explore Styles” tab of the Marketplace, so I believe they haven’t been deleted but are simply not showing up in the “My Posted Avatars” list.
Today, after registering my 83rd avatar, the maximum number of visible items in the “My Posted Avatars” list dropped drastically—from 50 to just 9.
I’ve been registering avatars through the desktop app, and I turned on the mobile app to check this issue, but it only shows up to 3 items in the mobile app.
According to the FAQ, there is a limit of 200 registered avatars.
Due to the registration limit, I can’t continue adding new avatars, and since not all items are displayed in the list, I’m unable to delete or update the avatars I previously registered.
I would greatly appreciate it if this issue could be addressed so that the “My Posted Avatars” list properly displays all registered items, up to the 200-avatar limit.
Expected behavior
All items from the “My Posted Avatars” list to the limit of 200 registrations should be displayed.