Avatar Merchandising for Creators: Curate and Sell Full Looks in Marketplace

Hi Creators,

We’re excited to share that starting today, creators who are eligible to publish and sell in Marketplace can now merchandise and sell entire avatars for the first time. Avatar merchandising is the next step in our vision to transform Marketplace into a more inspiring, personalized, and social shopping experience than ever before.

Earlier this year, we launched the Bulk Purchase API, allowing users to purchase entire outfits inside experiences in one transaction. Since then, we’ve learned that shopping for entire avatars as a bundle is much more convenient for people, as they’ll be able to discover and buy full looks all at once rather than piecemeal. Allowing creators to merchandise entire avatars will help create more diverse and personalized content for users to enjoy.

Merchandised avatars will provide new ways for creators to share their collections and connect with their fans. Similar to items, we will provide you with a link to your merchandised avatar where people can buy everything at once. You no longer need to have multiple links for multiple items that showcase your vision. We’ll also begin featuring merchandised avatars across Marketplace in the coming weeks.

Avatar posting & sharing flow / Avatar purchasing flow

Avatars consist of a body and head, plus clothing and accessories. They can be curated from the items that you yourself have published, or you can mix and match with items from other creators in the community.

Please note: Earnings from items sold within an avatar will benefit the creator of the original items. There is no separate revenue share for selling avatars with items you did not originally publish.

Who is eligible to merchandise and sell avatars?

Creators who are eligible to publish and sell in Marketplace and have published at least one item on Roblox are eligible to curate and sell avatars. Those requirements are:

  • ID verified
  • Ages 13+
  • Have Roblox Premium 1000 or 2200.
  • Abide by our Marketplace Policies and Community Standards. You can read more about our Marketplace policies here.

We plan to expand this capability to all users on Roblox in the coming months.

How do I start curating avatars?

You can find the Avatar Composer by clicking the + on the top right corner of Marketplace.

Please note, the composer is available on the mobile and desktop apps only. It is not available on web.

How much will I earn from selling avatars?

The earnings from purchases will be split among the creators of the original avatar items, exactly as if the items were purchased individually by users on Marketplace. At this time, there is no additional fee awarded to the person who posted the avatar if they did not originally create or publish any items that are part of the avatar.

What are the requirements for avatars?

Currently, to post an avatar, we require creators to include at least one clothing or accessory item to distinguish the avatar from a published body and head. We are also excluding animations from avatar curation but will consider including them in the future.

Additional Resources For Selling in Marketplace:

Additional FAQs

Click here to view the additional FAQs!

Where can I see the avatars I post?

  • You can see the avatars you post by navigating to the + menu under Customize and selecting My Posted Avatars.

Is there a limit to the number of avatars I can post?

  • We’re starting with a limit of 200 avatars that you can post. This is something we may consider increasing in the future.

How will I track avatar sales and earnings?

  • Item sales information can be found in Creator Hub under Monetization > Avatar items. We do not have analytics tracking for avatar sales at this time, but you can use this tool to track the sales and earnings from the items you sell within the avatars you post.

Will I earn more or less if my item is purchased as part of a merchandised avatar?

  • You will earn the same amount if your item is purchased as part of a merchandised avatar or as a standalone item. This feature won’t change the amount of Robux earned per item sold and we hope that this feature will increase purchases of items that are included in merchandised avatars.

How will users discover the avatars I post?

  • In the next few weeks, we’ll allow people on Roblox to browse merchandised avatars directly in Marketplace. In the meantime, you can use a direct link to share your avatars with your community and promote them on other social channels.

Can R6 bodies and clothing/accessories be curated?

  • While R6 clothing and accessories will work just fine, Avatar curation will only work for R15 bodies. Creators wearing an R6 body will be asked if they would like to switch to R15 before curating their avatar. This is because of technical limitations around combining R6 and R15 bodies and heads. We are exploring solutions for allowing curation with both R6 and R15 bodies and hope to have more to share in the future.

Can I prevent my items from being used in an avatar published by another creator?

  • Rights holders will earn any revenue when their items are purchased as part of an avatar. We hope that this tool will increase the likelihood items that are included in avatars are purchased. We are exploring solutions on giving creators control over where items are featured, and we’re hoping to have more to share here soon.

This topic was automatically opened after 10 minutes.

  1. How will this work with advanced avatars? (Avatars with two or more Neck, Hair, Face, etc. accessories)
  2. Will there ever be a way to view and purchase these avatars from the web (not create)?

Wonderful update! IS there any chance to upper the UGC Creator fee in the future to 40% and give affiliates 30%? Also giving outfit sellers an affiliate fee once the fees are balanced so the creators earn more?


Are there any plans to support uploading avatars from within an experience? Catalog Avatar Creator is popular for the ability to create outfits for other players to buy. It also allows you to try on items without needing to own them. This would allow the creation of avatars to be much more efficient.


Does this include Creators who have published an item to a Group? Or, must they have at least 1 UGC uploaded and linked linked to their personal Roblox profile.

I’ve only uploaded UGC via a group, meet all other requirements, but do not see the option to merchandise and sell avatars on my phone.


small question on this update. If an user has premium and published one item on roblox, but the premium expires, do I loose access to this feature? if yes, then this is the dumbest change on roblox.


Are there any plans to bring this to the website Roblox? Or will it be locked to the desktop & mobile apps?


I love this feature, but it took me literally 15 minutes to do this for one avatar with a lot of frustration.

It took ages to pull up a single older avatar, adjust it to use public versions of my avatar assets, remove unnecessary avatar items, and get the description to fit through the filter. The app is so unreasonably laggy and janky on my Pixel 8 Pro, with lag spikes on every action, the touch target for the preview and upload button seeming inaccurate, and an arbitrary invisible load I had to wait for so the button would work properly and my taps wouldn’t fall through into the description text field behind. This was a nightmare. This is a modern phone.

Please support this feature on desktop. I don’t want to have to do this every time I create a set of items.


lets wait for more chaos on the marketplace guys !


I hope there’s good moderation for that. If there is, this could actually be a good feature.


For people who just want a custom avatar to go in one click, this update is really useful.


What about avatar items that are off-sale, like the iOS-exclusive iBot Bundle from 2012, or Accessories redeemed from Gift Cards? Will these older items eventually be made available again for users who missed out? Or will they just not be included with the rest of the outfit when creating? Because if I published what I’m wearing right now, it would just contain two Accessories and nothing else.


Is there any reason why the post button is shaded out?
Was trying to upload an avatar earlier but couldnt


Looks really useful! However may take some hype and traffic away from certain games, (Catalog Avatar Creator) so I dont know what you guys think regarding that.


You know that you can’t sell items without having a Premium membership, this has been since beginning of Roblox and it hasn’t been changed since.


“You didn’t make that avatar yourself, you bought it off the catalog, you’re not original little bro”


Interesting feature, but I don’t see the plus button even though I meet all the eligibility requirements.


Great, another ID verified feature that people who are protective of their privacy are not allowed to use​:japanese_goblin::japanese_goblin:.


These requirements are sad. You’re asking for peoples money and information just to use a basic feature that other games are built around already?

Why Premium???
Why ID Verified???
What is the point??

You’re just locking a feature away from random people at this point. Plenty of people with premium or ID verification can abuse features, there’s no point putting this behind an artificial pay wall.

And if you wanted less people to use it so it doesn’t strain moderation a ton while its still new, just don’t ship it to everyone at the same time? Space it out some?

The actual change is OK and is just like some of the pre-existing avatar games on Roblox, but the requirements are just like a cooperate slap in the face.
(Also why 13+?? These are just going to be on the marketplace like other items correct? Restricting it to 13+ doesn’t make a ton of sense. Maybe for responsibility or something but in theory a 12 year old is not gonna be any more responsible than a 14 year old when creating public avatars.)

Even furthermore, please get a grip on avatar moderation. There are avatars no kid should ever see roaming in mass on this website, and I have doubts that making a ton of public avatars for the main website is going to help that considering moderations track record. The moderation feels like a ticking timebomb for a lawsuit about exposing younger audiences to potentially suggestive content or something very similar.

TLDR; Don’t lock a basic feature behind unfair requirements (your not even selling items, its just sharing outfits) + also stop stacking more work onto moderation without first fixing it. It’s just gonna get worse.