Bug with "Bad Request Error 400" while uploading Classic Clothing assets

Reproduction Steps

Hi there,
I experienced a bug on the ROBLOX website with uploading Classic Clothing assets. As October is approaching around the corner, I am a Clothing Designer and I decided I would upload Classic Clothing for the Fall. In doing so, I’ve created my asset and I begin to upload the asset on the ‘Develop’ page under my Groups Develop page, ‘Elystan’. After I pay the uploading fee of 10 ROBUX, the asset is uploaded correctly. However, a few minutes go by when it was approved, I then opened the link to the asset to see the outfit, but I was hit with Error Code 400. I uploaded the bottom part of the outfit to retest, and eventually reuploaded the initial top and I seemed to receive the same outcome both times of Error 400.

Expected Behavior

Normally what was suppose to happen, after you upload your Classic Clothing asset and wait until after it’s approval, you should be able to open the asset and be directly linked to the asset it self (where the purchase/try-on screen is) and not be linked to Error 400.

Actual Behavior

Instead of opening the asset and being linked to the regular purchase/try-on screen, I am linked to an Error 400 screen as in the image below.

Issue Area: Roblox Website
Page URL: https://www.roblox.com/request-error?id=caf6cc08-4224-413d-ba3a-61c9ce65d7c4&mode=&code=
Impact: High
Frequency: Very Rarely
Date First Experienced: 2022-09-29 00:09:00 (-04:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2022-09-29 00:09:00 (-04:00)


+1, this has been occurring for me as well.
seems to only happen when you publish the shirt onto a group, and not to your own account,

tested the above by uploading the same template onto my account and group, and only the group one returning with the error 400 bad request link, and the one uploaded to my account returning with the correct shirt link.

glad im not the only one experiencing this though.


The same thing is happening to me, thought I was getting banned or something.
I don’t know how to fix this, so I just made a game to replace the shop.


Getting the same error everytime i click a page.
See here: URGENT HELP, Loading as "UNKNOWN+DN" plus i'm banned from my own game? - #9 by weakroblox35


My friend uploaded Clothing to my group today and same thing happened. He uploaded 2 pieces both have error 400.
My group: Clothing line studio - Roblox
Name of clothing is red galaxy hoodie and blue galaxy hoodie.
To find, click store and find the 2 pieces they should be at the top. And when you click on them error 400 occurs.

I disagree with frequency I would say often, because it happened to both pieces he uploaded.


Hi there!

I apologize with the frequency part, I thought it meant how much this bug has happened like the past months etc.


same thing is happening to me! it happens every time i try to upload a classic shirt or pants to a group. it’s really frustrating :-[


I’m also experiencing this issue atm with multiple items uploaded on 10/1. As 57M mentioned above, this seems to be a group related issue.


I experienced a similar issue when clicking on a link that leads to a model (Zone Module), I close the tab and then clicked on the link again and this time it worked. (Is a different issue I know, just wanted to through it out there in the case is something else)


I’m currently experiencing the same issue with my group. I even tweaked my templates thinking that it was an error on my end, but I guess it’s quite the opposite now that I’ve come across this post.


I hope that when this issue is sorted out that Roblox would fix the error 400 and make sure the clothing piece comes up or refund the players who spent 10 rbx each upload then they can reupload it.


The error 400 means that your item has been moderated by Roblox. Check your messages to see if you have “ content against community standards” message. I get the error 400 when my textures are banned after uploading in studio.


Hi there!

I can assure that the asset was not moderated, as I uploaded multiple pieces and I am getting a plethora of other peoples experiences with the same issue. Apparently it has to do with something about uploading under your group.



The items itself have not been moderated, please see my response from above.
The shirt published on the group page is visible, and does not show the moderation logo, however, when clicking on the shirt, it returns with an Error 400.


Sorry mate, the meditation error is 403. I got them mixed up. :+1::relieved:


Getting the same issue with my shirt


I have also been having this problem with some of the clothes I’ve uploaded recently.


happening to me as well, im able to wear the shirt as it loads on my avatar but visiting the shirt page itself is broken


+1, uploaded 4 pieces unaware of this.


I think they updating they website on catalog page?