Building Help Needed for Realistic Forest Terrain

Currently I am following this tutorial to get better at realistic terrain building but I am running into difficulties. Whenever I use the terrain I see that the overall color and texture of the terrain is drastically different then the texture used in the build shown on the tutorial.

Here is mine:

And here is the one I am trying to emulate:

My question is whether I can actually get this sort of style of (lighting, texture, etc?) through methods that don’t involve using custom textures or whether I have to use that as my only option.

Use the 2014(the material pack before 2022) materials. That’s it.


is there anyway to find these materials. I am trying to find through the toolbox but nothing is really working (I found some but not all)

Those aren’t free models bruh :man_facepalming:

You need to go to MaterialService and disable Use2022Materials


Alright thank you for telling me that

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