@C0_le I am a warfare ship builder, I don’t use the grid for the vessels, because its not to size with the grid, it can depend what your building with the grid. You can use the grid building a building.
Normally I build with four studded grid on, but annoyingly it disappears under what I’m building most of the time. I kind of wish there was an option to have the grid at a certain height so that you’re able to view it on different levels of your building without having to move the whole baseplate and such.
Hey! Building with the grid could be helpful but at the same time it could be a pain, most of the time it gets in the way. Whatever best suits you is my guess!
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Nope. It gets a bit irritating in my opinion . Do you? (Throwing back the question!)
No, I get confused when I use the grid option.
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