Button to clear the search term in the Explorer widget

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to clear the search term in the explorer widget.

When I search in the explorer it’s usually during play solo gameplay, and it’s to find my UI or something I’m actively working on so I can inspect the properties of the searched-for instance and related nearby instances.

To do this currently I have to click into the search bar in the explorer, type my query, select the instance I want, click back into the search bar, and delete the query to have the explorer expand the entire tree to what I’ve selected so I can inspect that instance and its related instances.

This minor difficulty singlehandedly prevents me from wanting to use this search bar at all. It somehow manages to feel more unpleasant to use than just opening the hierarchy manually.

I use Unity at work, and there is a little X in the search bar for the project window. See at the top in the bar in the image below.

I use this tiny X almost constantly to navigate quickly into the selected asset’s folder, it is an invaluable and ubiquitous part of my workflow. Every time I have to manually clear the entire selection myself in Studio I am annoyed.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would streamline my workflow in Studio.


Maybe in 5 years they’ll do something…

For now, you can use Ctrl+Alt+Shift+X shortcut with this AutoHotKey script I created:

#IfWinActive, ahk_exe RobloxStudioBeta.exe
	Send ^+x
	Sleep 100
	Send +{Home}{Del}

This has been resolved! Bless.
CC @rogeriodec_games


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