Explorer Search Improvements

Cool, I like it. I can finally find all unanchored parts before play testing(if I remember to do so)

However. Why not add a sorting menu too?
Perhaps you can have it where we can only see the things we searched for, without their parents. I sometimes hate it when I need to see a Point Light, but it’s inside an object that has similar properties, making me wonder which one I need to select to change(such as Color).

That way you might even be able to just put the new search methods in there as well, making it possible for weirdos to find their Instances named “anchored = true” instead of finding anchored parts alongside xd

This is one of the things we always wanted.

One day I even made a Find Similar script that could find all instances in the game that were similar and had the same properties because I could not find them. Now I dont need it anymore, I can just use this.

Very nice update. Keep up the good work!

You can search for instance names with special characters with quotes. If you had that as a name, you could search "Anchored = true"


This is fantastic! I’ll be using this every developing session I do! Thank you!!

Oh that is awesome thanks for the updates !

I have a workaround for this:

This will be very helpful for developing, but something I would like to see is the ability to select all of the instances that is filtered/searched for in the explorer.

Search for: “XeonLightPart”
Right click and a button appears to select all of searched instance.

Yes-- The new Explorer Search Improvements Beta should allow you to select all filtered instances with Ctrl + A if Explorer is focused.


Poke on this-- answered right above this reply

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use cases almost everywhere🙏

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You have no idea how helpful sorting by tags and properties is. :100:

This is amazing!

One thing I would die for is a search history! Almost exactly like how the command bar works, I would like that kind of functionally.

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Man do I need this feature!

Right now, I’ve been searching up terms, then individually Control + Left Clicking every single object I need to select- very inefficient! Now I will be able to mass edit duplicated models without taking a tedious amount of time.

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Hi, you still didn’t answer me, sorry if I’m being annoying but it’s just that I would like an answer to my question

I think you meant Explorer [Selection and Navigation Beta]


I think @kirazeee325 meant to share this link Explorer [Selection and Navigation Beta]. Let us know if this helps!

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Sorry, it doesn’t answer my question still, my question is if there will be a feature like Replace All for thsi new feature, as it would be very helpful

To clarify your feature request – would you want to replace whatever has been searched? (e.g. if you search for all instances with a certain name, replace all instances that have that name with another name; if you search for all instances that have a certain property value, replace all those property values with another value?) And what are the most frequent scenarios in which you’d use this feature?

Thank you for your feedback!


Ok, I’ll give a few examples, the killbrick exampel has already being said so here’s some:
I have trees in my map that look bad, they are there as a placeholder, I just created a new tree mode but there’s 100 trees, what I would do is:
Select all trees, and copy the new tree I made, thsi saves a lot of time as I dotn have to change every tree with the new one, also possibly keep its properties, most importantly position and orientation, but also names and attributes and everything can be useful
I have a Script under a part, the problem is that it looks for the part, but with the wrong name, this means I either have to:
Change all of the scripts, which would be done similarly to the killbrick example, or cahnge the name of all the parts, which in this case would be:
myPart.Name = “Name”
for example, I think thsi woudl be useful if it woudl show a box where you can write the Name or something like that, and also I didn’t see something that allows you to se e properties, it woudl be useful also, another use case is:
If there’s a lot of parts that have the worng parent, I woudl select them and change their parent

Thsi are a few use cases taht came to my mind just now, probably others have more, but that is my use cases

Are you certain that packages would not suit your needs?