Café Expresso Training Guide

So, you’re hosting a training session?
This is good for you, what will you learn in this?
How to have a smooth session, and a calm one.

Other Guides

Know your role for the session: Café Expresso Training Information
Read that, before you read this

Session Times

Due to the pandemic, we can have extra time.

|Day|Time [EST]|
| — | — | — | — |
|Sunday|9:00 AM - 8 PM
|Monday|12:00 AM - 4 PM
|Tuseday|12:00 AM - 4 PM
|Wednsday|12:00 AM - 4 PM
|Thursday|12:00 AM - 4 PM
|Friday|9:00 AM - 8 PM
|Saterday|9:00 AM - 8 PM

Claiming The Session

When someone claims the Host, for the session they have to start it, using this command.
Claim it at the Right time!

And a Message will say that you claim the session

When the Host claims the training session, they will have to enter this command, the server is unlocked, now people can join.

Getting your Ranks

When you claimed the session you will need the following:

  • Co-Host
  • Trainer
  • Ranker
  • SHR
  • Cafe Trainer

You must have around 35 Staff Members to 45, Depending on the Training Session.


You have around 20-30 minutes to get everything ready.
When your done briefing you can now start the session.


Permission to Speak
PTS Is enabled at briefing time.
The host askes around 3 people to help with PTS.

Starting the Session

So, when your done briefing, you start the session.
The Host uses “:disablepts”, and it will alert the trainees that PTS Is Disabled.
Then you start your lines.
Using “:m” or “:sm”

Host/Co-Host Lines

The Lines that your seeing are very important.
If you see an Action Line, DO NOT IT!
| — | — | — | — | — |
|Hello, Welcome to Drips Cafe Trainings! I am your Host: [YourName].|I am your Co-Host [YourName] | You start your introduction.
|We will start this session by checking for any, cafe guest.|Please wait for our helpers to check. | The Helpers check if there are any Ranks that should not be at the Training Session.
| Action | Nothing | When you are done checking, continue.
| We are done checking, please wait for the co-host says the instructions. | We will be doing the following quizzes | Say the quizzes that the trainees are instructed.
| Ok, our Co-Host has to say something, for now. | Trainers, go to your areas, one of the SHRS Will tell you where to go. | You tell the Trainers to go to the Training room.

Trainer Lines

Trainer: Hello, welcome to Drips Cafe Trainings! I am your trainer [YourUsername]. As the Co-Host says.
The Trainer asks the quizzes questions


Very Important!
This is for the trainer.

Quiz Name Quiz Instruction Needs an SHR Expected
Grammer Test Ask the Trainee for there greeting No Hello, Welcome to Drips Cafe! My name is [TraineeName]! How May I help you on this fine day?
Exploiter Test Use the :to Command, Thru a wall. No The Trainer uses the :to Command thru a wall.
AA Test A SHR Refreshes the Trainer and refreshes all trainees that the trainer has Yes SHR Uses the :refresh Command.
Troll Test The Trainer does the Troll Test No The Trainer does the troll test, not in a rude way
Cafe Test The Trainer takes the Trainees to the cafe and One of the people who are working at the cafe should take them Yes SHR Needed Reason Just in case it goes wrong.

Cafe Staff Lines

Hello, Welcome to The Cafe Area of Drips Cafe! I will be teaching you how to how to use the Cafe system!

Cafe Questions

This is very important
|Name|Quiz Instruction|
| — | — | — | — |
|HandTo|Ask’s the user how to use the HandTo.
|Coffee|The Cafe Trainer asks the Trainee for a coffee of there choice
|Pastries| The Cafe Trainer asks the Trainee for a pastry of there choice


The SHR that’s in the game goes over the Warning System, and how it’s not meant to be abused.


:disablepts - Disables PTS.
:claimsession - Claims the Session.
:handto - Gives people the items.
:warntut - Starts the warning tutorial. SHRS ONLY!

Hope you have a good session.

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