Cafe Mezlo Handbook

Hello everyone! This is the official handbook for Cafe Mezlo. This handbook will contain important links that will help you out!

Important Links:

Group Link

Recipe Guide

Our Twitter

Code Of Conduct

Senior Barista Promotion Guide

Appeal Infomation

Rank Caps:

Awaiting Rank - None
Customer - None
Noticed Customer - None
Trainee - None
Junior Barista - None
Barista - None
Senior Barista - None
Allied Representative - None
Chief Development Officer - None
Intern - 5
Senior Intern - 5
Supervisor - 5
Assistant Manager - 5
Manager - 5
Chief Staffing Officer - 3
Chief Operating Officer - 3
Chief Administrative Officer - 3
Board Of Directors - 5
Vice President - 1
President - 1
Vice Chairperson - 1
Chairman - 1