Cafe Training Centre


I am Developer for a cafe and I am making the Training Centre, I already made the lobby, and I would like that you do a feedback.

Feel free to do a feedback below. (The comments) :happy2:


I really don’ like it. It’s very bland. Add more details and just improve the entire thing.


Okay, I will try to improve it, also, thanks for the feedback : P

There are so so many café games on Roblox. If you want your game to stand out you have to work for it. I find that many café games are bland, and boring. I would look up café designs for inspiration (even though it is a training Centre) It’s not appealing to look at. The walls are very plain also. It looks like glass with reflectance. Are you going for a low poly look? Also, the grass in the room doesn’t look like it belongs there. I would redesign the whole café. Just some ideas. Have a good day.



A few things I see from first look is that it’s really repetitive, bland and “boxed in”.

I think what you can do is add variations into the walls (etc adding windows) and adding more colour
I think instead of using the campfires in the middle, you can use Spotlights and add lights onto the roof
You should also add some more shapes into the building, incorporating some wedges and cylinders etc.

Okay, thank you for the feedback, I will improve it, you too have a nice day. :happy1:

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Sorry, if I sounded a bit blunt. I think you have potential, and it would be a waste if you never learned how to do this properly. I think you will do a great job! Stay safe.

Hello! I will fix the repetitive things, like the chairs/tables, add windows like you said, etc, thank you for your feedback.
Have a nice day! : P

From the image you provided for us I can’t really still if this is a training centre you need to find a proper color scheme and materials to intense the build what style are you going for modern, cartoony, simplistic ect?

One recommendation, I have is possible have a different design instead of just having it as a simple white appearance I find it doesn’t really fit with the build maybe adding grey-ish colors with white mixed together a wooden material such as wood planks or something similar would be a nice addition to place down.

Overall I would find images that you could use along the process or visit existing builds and see what details they hold and see what you can do to spice up your design. There’s always approaches you could take experiment instill you find something you like.

Thank you for your feedback.
I will change the color & material, I just didn’t really know what colors/materials put.
Have a nice day! : P

I am going to be very bold, this looks terrible. It’s very dual, and blocky. The colors do not coordinate very well, and the amount of space that could use detail is over the top. Spawning right into a building shows that you didn’t put much effort in this build, which as a developer no matter the pay, you should take your time to make it look at least better.
Sometimes just ask yourself, does this build look good? would I like this build?
If your answer is no, try advancing your skills.
If your answer is yes, you should be overall exceeded in the build.


If you read my response you need to have some sort of style in order to find what color scheme your wanting or material selections choose to you’re own liking.

There’s different styles or themes you could choose if you’re going for a modern training centre you need wood interior objects, meaning the flooring, walls, ceiling and more add different props to match the design your builds set in it should follow those different approaches.

Things that’ll help you along the process would be using real life images as references this could help you choose or improve the details inside your build, look at real life examples see what color scheme it has and look at there material pallets.

Gonna be honest, this is my opinion. Sorry if I offend you in anyway but you asked for feedback. I find this Training Centre very plain and looks boring, it doesn’t stand out. You should try making this better, even if you have to rebuild it. I honestly don’t like it at all, it seems like you didn’t put the time and effort on this.

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Wow, nice start! All I would ask you to add is more decorations, like plants and stuff. Add some bright lights to really make it stand out. Some textures on the walls and floors would make a fantastic touch to your build! Add some shapes to your walls too! Hope this helped, have a great day! :slight_smile:

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Try using wall decorations, a textured floor, and probably a set theme of colors.


Sorry for what I say, but it’s not the best. It must have it must be yours. Anyone can do this. Add more details and get involved in making better quality models.

Some examples:

(I found these images in google graphic)


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First of all, the lighting is too bright and it looks kinda weird, it looks really plain and boring. Maybe add textures to the walls and decors. Keep in mind, you’re the developer and it looks like you didn’t put time and effort on this build, I recommend not to rush on things, patience is the key! You can visit other cafe’s training centers for ideas or search on google for reference images. Do not take this message to heart, I’m only saying this to give you some feedback and some tips that might help. Have a good day. :slight_smile:

If I’m honest I don’t like it. It’s lacking textures, detail, furniture, etc. You need to include some custom textures, more detail, furnish it and then go from there. Good luck!

Looks nice. The more you build, the better your skills become, so keep going and don’t let anyone put you down :slight_smile:

Its very blocky and simple. Try and use meshes, etc.
Watch Building YouTube videos to improve your skills!