Update Log for the game Cake Tycoon by JuztHoney!
Check it out for more in-depth details and previous updates.
Top = Newest
Bottom = Oldest
Game Link: Cake Tycoon 🎂 - Roblox
Minor Update #4: Gold! - June 3rd, 2021
A few minor things were changed. More bill be coming next month, big update planned.
- Cash Blocks now award more cash!
- They also spawn faster!
- Droppers drop rate has been increased!
- Golden Soccer ball now appears in the middle of every map!
- Made the obby more visible!
Minor Update #3: Squashing The Bugs! - September 7th, 2020
This update is just a minor update to fix a few bugs. I also added a few other things. Going to be working on making the game more fun next update. Stay tuned!
- Bug Fixes!
- Conveyer from the second floor now actually makes it to the bottom floor conveyor
- Gears work, previously didn’t give you anything.
- Cash block UI removed due to mobile incompatibility, now it appears right above your current cash how much extra you got
- Ultra Dropper removed
- Backend changes
- Updated the map a little, more detailed
- Secret Obby!
- Random bump at spawn fixed
- Music has been changed to be more welcoming
Elemental Droppers Update - September 4th, 2020
Thank you all for continuing to play Cake Tycoon! It has been a great journey creating updates even if there are only a few people playing. Please feel free to DM me any ideas for updates via Discord: @Honey#3003 or using direct messages on Roblox. As I am very busy with many other things, I won’t have as much time to update the game as much. I will be focusing on a new game called Cake Empire where you serve customers, upgrade ovens, and more in a tycoon-like style. Thanks again!
What’s New!
- Cash blocks! They fall from the sky, click them to collect them
- A new floor and 2 droppers! Introducing the earth, fire, and water droppers
- A New Map! Lots of grass.
- Bug Fixes!
Full list of changes:
- New Features!
- Cash Blocks!
- Second Floor!
- New Droppers!
- Earth Dropper!
- Costs $10,000 ($10k)
- Drops are worth $8!
- Drops every second!
- Lava Dropper!
- Costs $12,000 ($12k)
- Drops are worth $10!
- Drops every second!
- Water Dropper!
- Costs $15,000 ($15k)
- Drops are worth $11!
- Drops every 1.25 seconds!
- More to Come!!
- Earth Dropper!
- New Map!
- Building Changes
- Balancing Changes
- Prices of a lot of items have been balanced
- Upgraders don’t upgrade as much
- Droppers drop more
- Expect more balancing to happen while the update is released.
- Map Changes
- Purchasable Changes
- Weapon Stand and releated purchases & buttons have been moved back because of the new stairs
- Weapon givers have been changed up a bit
- Hats on Rare Hats Table were repositioned
- Bug Fixes
- Upgraders previously weren’t working, works now
- Last few droppers previously weren’t working, all working now
- Mobile & Xbox players can now see their cash! Sorry about that
- Upgraders previously weren’t working, works now
- MISC Changes
- Starter Cash, Double Cash, and Run Faster combined! Gamepasses have all been remmoved and replaced by VIP. See below.
- VIP Gamepass
- Cost 300 Robux
- Perks:
- 25% More Speed
- Double Cash
- $750 Starting Cash
- And other things I’m forgetting about!
Color Update - July 14th, 2020
Thanks so much everyone for playing Cake Tycoon. This update mostly consists of recoloring, bugfixes, balancing, and a new dropper. If you have
any suggestions for Cake Tycoon please make sure to let me know via Roblox, Twitter, or DevFourm DMs. Twitter: @JuztHoney
Next Update will include new droppers, upgraders, balancing, and some new floors!
New Features!
- Droppers drop cake instead of blocks
- New Dropper!
- Has a 30% Chance to Drop
- Gives more than any other Dropper
- Costs $40,000 ($40k)
- Purchase at the end of the first conveyer after you get the 2nd Upgrader
Building Changes
- Lights are not visible anymore
- Lights aren’t as bright and don’t go out the building
- Windows are now less transparent and are blue
- Ceiling is now gray
- Floor is a bit darker
- Door was changed
- Buttons are now brighter
- Door now says “Claim this tycoon!”. Formally was “Touch to claim!”
- Collectors (the place where the blocks/cakes land) are now black with the glass effect to make it look like a void
- Cash Collector was recolored
- Some buttons were moved
Balancing Changes
- Last 3 Droppers now have a lower chance to drop
- All Droppers now drop less (except Mine)
- All Upgraders upgrade every time
- All Upgraders upgrade less
- Starter Cash Gamepass now gives $1000
Map Changes
- Walls removed
- Map sized down by a lot
- Grass is darker
- Sidewalks are darker by a bit
- Road is darker by a lot
- Barriers are now inplace to stop the soccer balls (You can’t even notice them)
Purchasable Changes
- 2 posters updated, all poster backgrounds are recolored
- “Cool Hats Table” was renamed to “Rare Hat Table”
- Rare Hat Table was recolored
- Droppers bottom recolored
- Conveyers are now blue
- Gear things are now glass
- Weapon Stand was recolored
- Mega Dropper was recolored
- Upgraders were recolored and made more transparent
- Some droppers were moved
Bug Fixes
- An error that would popup is gone
- Fixed a bug where the blocks/cakes would give too much cash. Should be fixed!
MISC Changes
- Premium Dropper Removed
- Backend Changes (You can’t notice any of these changes, only me)
- Soccer Ball looks cooler now
- Says “PLAYERNAME just joined the game for the first time!” in DevConsole when someone joins for the first time
- Extra Speed Gamepass now gives 20 speed
Minor Update #2 - June 20th, 2020
Figured I’d fix and add a few things since the game might not get many updates. Hit the like button if you want me to continue updating Cake Tycoon. (Better Updates, not minor ones)
- Free VIP Servers! Play with your friends for free.
- Sized down the map
- Changed the walls and the grass color
- Added a soccer ball that spawns when you join and when you leave
- Gurt!?
Minor Update #1 - May 28th, 2020
Possibly one of the final updates. Going to work on another game. Thank you for all the support!
- Removed Sandbox Mode
- Stealing has protection for 30 seconds and gives 30%
- Changed the map to the old Sandbox one
- Changed some posters
- Updated the cash collector
- Removed Spawns in bases
- Increased speeds. 23 for normal users and 30 for people who buy the “Run Faster!” gamepass.
- Moved some buttons around
- Sized down the Astra and OST table
- Some other minor things I’m forgetting.
Sandbox Update - May 18th, 2020
Introducing a new mode! Stick with the old mode or check out the new mode, Sandbox! In Sandbox mode, you get to choose where everything goes. Everything is fully compatible with computer and console! (Mobile may come in the future!)
Tycoon/Legacy Mode Changes:
- Starting Dropper now automatically drops (instead of clicking)
- Droppers now drop Cake (requested, already planned)
- Laser Toggle Button Removed (due to compatibility with console)
- Currency is now Cash
Transformation Update - April 9th, 2020
Building Changes:
- 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floors removed
- 1st floor expanded
- Windows are now tinted!
Buyable Changes:
- More Droppers
- Mega Upgrader got a slight change
- Droppers are all custom made
- Weapon Stand
- Majority of Gears Removed (Except both coils and golden magical carpet)
- Astra and OST Tables Merged
- New Posters
- Click-Dropper Updated
- Button Wording Changed
Balancing Changes:
- Droppers have a 50% chance to drop
- Prices Adjusted
- Drop Speed and Worth Adjusted
- Mega Upgrader has a chance to upgrade
- Upgraders upgrades Adjusted
MISC Changes:
- Info UI
- New Badges
- New Badge and Gamepass Images
- Premium Dropper
- VIP removed, replaced with “Starter Coins” Gamepass
- Starter Coins Game Pass gives 1,500 upon joining the game
- Button Fade Removed
- Kills and Deaths on leaderboard removed
- Sword Removed
- Cash Collector edited
- New Icon
- New Thumbnail
Industrial Update - Feburary 1st, 2020
- Tycoons now look like a factory
- Balancing
- New Droppers!
- Other Minor Things
Christmas Update - December 19th, 2019
Christmas Additions:
- Snowflakes instead of Cash!
- A Christmas Tree!
- Snow!
- A Present for every tycoon!
- Christmas Music!
- The Cake Tycoon Logo Poster is now the Christmas Logo!
Building Changes:
- The colored parts inside the tycoon that used to correspond to the tycoon’s color, are now white!
- Floor adjusted, top floor!
Balancing Changes:
- Droppers, Mine, and Upgrader1 Adjusted!
- Prices adjusted! (All lowered by a ton)
- Dependencies Adjusted!
Buyable Changes:
- 6 New Droppers!
- 2 New Upgraders added!
- Halloween Logo Poster added!
- Carpet added on the second floor!
- Carpet Adjusted, top floor!
- Astra Table is now all wood!
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the bug where the blocks wouldn’t process.
MISC Changes:
- New Tycoon Names!
- Stuff moved around on the third floor!
- Stuff moved around on the second floor!