Link: Calculation Service
CalculationService; a brand new module script that allows calculation to be made easier! There are currently 111 unique functions and every function returns a value! Pass in the numbers the function requires and you will be given a value straight away!
If you don’t understand some words, I made some comments regarding what the words mean.
- CalculateArcAngle
- CalculateArcLength
- CalculateArcSurfaceArea
- CalculateAreaOfACircle
- CalculateAreaOfaSquare
- CalculateAreaOfaTriangle
- CalculateAreaTriangle
- CalculateAreaofACylinder
- CalculateAverage
- CalculateCathetusPythagoreanTheorem
- CalculateCircleRing
- CalculateCircumeferenceOfASquare
- CalculateCircumfrenceOfACircle
- CalculateConeSurfaceArea
- CalculateConeVolume
- CalculateCoreValue
- CalculateCosAngle
- CalculateCosMissingAdjacentCath
- CalculateCosMissingHypotenuse
- CalculateDistance
- CalculateFactorNinExponentialDecrease
- CalculateFactorNinExponentialIncrease
- CalculateHypotenusePythagoreanTheorem
- CalculateNewValue
- CalculatePercentage
- CalculatePyramidSurfaceArea
- CalculatePyramidVolume
- CalculateRadiusWithArc
- CalculateRadiusWithCylinderVolume
- CalculateRadiusofCircleCircumfrence
- CalculateSinAngle
- CalculateSinMissingHypotenuse
- CalculateSinMissingOppositeCath
- CalculateSphereSurfaceArea
- CalculateSphereVolume
- CalculateTanAngle
- CalculateTanMissingAdjacentCath
- CalculateTanMissingOppositeCath
- CalculateTime
- CalculateTrapezoidSurfaceArea
- CalculateVelocity
- CalculateVolumeInACylinder
- ConvertDaysToHours
- ConvertDaysToMinutes
- ConvertDaysToMonths
- ConvertDaysToSeconds
- ConvertDaysToYears
- ConvertHoursToDays
- ConvertHoursToMinutes
- ConvertHoursToMonths
- ConvertHoursToSeconds
- ConvertHoursToYears
- ConvertMinutesToDays
- ConvertMinutesToHours
- ConvertMinutesToMonths
- ConvertMinutesToSeconds
- ConvertMinutesToYears
- ConvertMonthsToDays
- ConvertMonthsToHours
- ConvertMonthsToMinutes
- ConvertMonthsToSeconds
- ConvertMonthsToYears
- ConvertSecondsToDays
- ConvertSecondsToHours
- ConvertSecondsToMinutes
- ConvertSecondsToMonths
- ConvertSecondsToYears
- ConvertYearsToDays
- ConvertYearsToHours
- ConvertYearsToMinutes
- ConvertYearsToMonths
- ConvertYearsToSeconds
- CustomRoot
- ExponentialDecrease
- ExponentialIncrease
- Factorial
- FactorialZeros
- FirstBinomialFormula
- GetPrimeNumberWithRank
- GetTimeZone
- LawsOfExponentProductPowerRule
- LawsOfExponentsNegativeExponent
- LawsOfExponentsPowerOfAPower
- LawsOfExponentsProductOfPower
- LawsOfExponentsQuotientOfPower
- LawsOfExponentsQuotientPowerRule
- LawsOfRadicalsProductOfRadicals
- LawsOfRadicalsQuotientOfRadicals
- LawsOfRadicalsSquareRootInASquareRoot
- LawsOfRadicalsSquareRootInExponent
- LinearInterpolation
- MatrixAdd
- MatrixAdjugate
- MatrixDeterminant
- MatrixInverse
- MatrixMinor
- MatrixMultiply
- MatrixSubtract
- MatrixTranspose
- PriceDecrease
- PriceIncrease
- ProbabilityTheory
- QuadraticFormula
- RectangularRule
- RuleOfThree
- SecondBinomialFormula
- Subfactorial
- Tetration
- ThirdBinomialFormula
- TrapezoidalRule
- isPrime
Version 1
– Added more converting methods
– Added Factorials
– Added Average Calculation
– Added Laws of Exponent and Radicals
– Added Subfactorials
– Added Getting Zeros out of a factorial
– Added Binomial Formula
– Added Tetration
– Added Quadratic Formula
– Added Custom Roots
– Added Prime calculations
– Added Pyramid Surface area and volume
– removed a print statement accidentally left there
– Added Matrix Operations
– Added 2 Integral methods
– Added Getting TimeZones using UTC
– Added Linear Interpolation
– Added Sphere Volume and Area
– LawsOfExponentsMultiplyDifferentValuesWithSameExponent (and division) shortened to LawsOfExponentProductPowerRule
– Made it so that that all functions now show that they will give a number/table
– Integral functions are now customisable
– Added Percentage to Number (vice versa) conversion
– Subfactorials now show that you have to insert a number
– Removed another print statement
REMINDER: If there are some miscalculation made by me, immediately tell if error found
Any recommendation for calculation methods are appreciated!