Camera & Navigation Improvements [Beta]

How can I disable this, it sucks not being able to Right Click + Scroll it makes my entire life harder and slower when using studio I literally cannot bare it

Disable it in beta features inside of studio


To anyone complaining about the update, go into beta features and you can disable camera improvements and it will stop. (I know it’s a bad update)

I do not like the scrolling it moves too fast and when I lower it it moves too slow I dislike because it makes it more difficult to pinpoint to what I am doing on studio.

So sorry, but I just had to come back and express what a poor design choice it is to have the right mouse and scroll to set scroll speed. I have been trying to move with that combination ALL DAY, it is so so annoying and I have to first realize why its not moving, then realizing, I have to set the scroll speed to something decent, considering trying to move, I set it too low, then I have to keep myself from touching the right key, and just use the wheel.

Just such a pain.

*Edit, and just to be clear, I know I can disable the beta, but I really wanted to give it the benefit of trying it out all day, to really see if it was just something I could live with, or if it was really going to cause me trouble… and it did… oh goodness, it did.


I dont know why but for some reason I can no longer move my camera in run-mode if I started a test with a player (EX, click Play, then switch to server view)

Same, I recommend just turning the feature off until it is fixed:


Please remove this function. This is why I disabled the feature.


Please make this optional on release, I’m very used to the old camera/navigation. It felt intuitive for the camera’s speed to gradually increase and reset to the default speed when you stop moving, rather than being linear and manual. I also used to frequently navigate long distances by scrolling while holding right-click, and this functionality is completely destroyed.

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  1. Newcomers won’t know
  2. Bug reports from newcomers,
  3. why
  4. most devs don’t know this and by default will be confused

Didn’t see the devforum post, nor anything about it in the beta announcements on studio, I thought studio was broken for a second, good feature. Scary if you don’t know what’s happening though. :sob:

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Not a bad idea, but I strongly suggest making it togglable in settings or something. For me, it is incredibly frustrating and I have turned this feature off in Beta.

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It would be so much better if the key to modify camera speed was the Space bar rather than RMB, everybody uses RMB to move around and its annoying for our camera speed to gradually increase as if it were our mouse DPI increasing when we wouldnt want our camera speed to increase.

Although im still happy with the rest of the update

It just means if you use a trackpad

(if I ever have to use a trackpad in Roblox ever again I think I might kill myself)

Love the new camera system, but this current bug is why I must disable it for now.

Please add a way to disable this once it releases. Thank God you can disable it right now with the beta features window.

I really don’t like how unintuitive this feels to me. It’s just muscle memory for me to use the studio navigation as it is, and I don’t feel like it needed “improvement”.

Not a fan of this update. I hope we get an option to use the old version.
Clunky speed changing, and weird feeling movement, some of these features should be kept, some shouldn’t. In my opinion the speed dial is one of those features that shouldn’t be kept. as its weird not being able to scroll move while moving the camera while holding right click.

I will have to be neutral on the camera navigation.

As these features does enable the ability for user-friendly navigation, to old users this would be a personal classified mistake. I say this as I and most developers use WASD and scroll wheel by default to navigate. By restricting the scroll wheel to Scroll Speed versus being able to manual adjusted could induce future conflicts for us/those used to the Default Controls. I’ve tried this with Beta mode on/off and my muscle memory’s first instinct is resorting to scroll wheel to zoom in and out, and later finding out why my camera is fast all of a sudden until I came upon this thread regarding the update, much appreciated in advance.

Update isn’t horrible, however if possible I’d suggest a toggle/keybind to either switch between old/new version or bindable scroll wheel (preferably?).

improvements are meant to make something better, are they not?
instead you took away snapping to something with F, replaced it with a terribly long tween; and turned the scroll to move and replaced it with an incredibly laggy movement speed thing.
this aint it chief heres some improvements;

We dont need the weird tweening, that just wastes time.
instead of just “right click and scroll increases speed”, make it something like ctrl+scroll or alt+scroll.
Also, make it reset when you actually stop moving the camera, it’s frustrating to zoom off into narnia after moving fast across a large distance.


This change was good in theory, but the exact control is completely in the way of the most simple and optimal movement & navigation in studio. Having zoom and rotation of the camera as 2 different states of the mouse button makes navigating more complex and more time consuming, previously both worked without issues when just holding down the mouse button with no need of releasing, now you have to switch between them only doing either movement or rotation at once.