CameraMaxZoomDistance for 'Attach'

I’m extremely sad that there isn’t an easy way to set the MaxCameraDistance/MinCameraDistance for when you have the camera type set to ‘Attach’ instead of ‘Custom’.

How would it work?

Same way as how it works with Custom, but it would be the amount of studs away from the Part that is the subject of your camera.

Here is what I have to do:

Here is what I want to do (but the camera is not able to be set to be zoomed out before hand)

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Attach is such an ugly camera type

Hey, if it works it works. In Amaze’s case it looks nicer than it would with the default camera type.

@OP: I think ROBLOX is kind of just going to throw camera stuff in the “not our problem” bin when PlayerScripts get released. I assume you’ve heard of them, but if not, they basically allow you to modify the existing camera types with Lua. Once they are released (think we’re waiting on an Apple approval thingy) you should be able to modify the Attach camera to do what you want it to do with relative ease.

I think I’ll make set it to scriptable eventually, but I think it’s ugly of Roblox to have a player property (CameraMinZoomDistance & CameraMaxZoomDistance) that is not consistent with all camera types.

At this point, I get the feeling ROBLOX is really eager to deprecate camera types. There are a lot of requests involving them, and it’s just easier to shove that responsibility off to us. It’s a win-win though because we don’t have to wait months/years for ROBLOX to find the time to make changes, and we can make the changes whenever we want. My guess is that they’ve had scriptable cameras in the planning for some time and have not maintained camera types very well because they had this change in mind.

The new PlayerScripts will come packaged with an Attach camera that does respect the min and max zoom levels.
Unfortunately, for the first pass of the new PlayerScripts the Attach camera will still be using the c++ code, however, you can take and use the attach camera provided with the PlayerScripts in your game.

[quote] The new PlayerScripts will come packaged with an Attach camera that does respect the min and max zoom levels.
Unfortunately, for the first pass of the new PlayerScripts will still be using the old engine camera, however, you can take and use the attach camera provided with the PlayerScripts in your game. [/quote]

Wait, so does this mean the LuaCamera has been cancelled for now?

It is not cancelled, we are moving in iterations or passes, so:
step 1: Custom camera is lua
step 2: Other cameras are lua
step 3: ???
step 4: Profit