Campfire Pit Build

Hello everyone!

Please let me know how my build of a campfire pit is! It took roughly 15 minutes, 20 because I had to revise a part of it.

Campfire Pit



Thanks for reading, and looking at my build!


Really cool, except the wooden fence thingy. Is it for something?

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Maybe it is just a midwest thing, but when we build firepits, we set a fence trim of these like wooden stakes down, and then set our bricks inside, it prevents the bricks from collapsing outward, and they are usually old firewood that was soaked and got smoldered but didn’t burn fully.

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really nice except the soil texture very unrealistic and flat and the wood isn’t realistic at all, very smooth and shiny wood, and weird shapes of wood like round wood

Everything in this build is really good, except for the red-colored center. Perhaps you could use a different texture, it just doesn’t look that good.

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It looks really cool, but the wood in the middle looks a little too smooth.