"Japanese" Wooden Bridge

Hello everyone!

I am getting back into the building and wanted to try out this simple bridge design which you may find in a Japanese zen garden or such. How does it look?


To see more of my builds, or to hire me, refer to my portfolio: EternalEthel: Builder for Hire
Check out another one of my builds here: Campfire Pit Build


Wow, you have out done yourself, really nice build and can be used for many occasions. I would only Suggest to add a bit more colour or maybe textures to the bridge so it doesn’t look so new.


Thank you! I whipped it up in… 5 minutes probably. Hmm thank you for the advice, I actually forgot to run my AutoShade plugin on it, oops!

Edit: I have gone ahead and changed it! More colors.

I changed it up if you want to look at it again. I added different colors!

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That’s a pretty solid build if you ask me. Not much you can work with yet you still produced noticeable detail. Maybe for a bit more detail you could add nails in the boards or something like that. Very detailed. 9/10

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Thank you! Your advice is noted and appreciated.

I think the bridge looks great. Glad you’re getting back into building. I looked at your portfolio, very well made, lots of great stuff. 10/10 Would hire; hoping for more.

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Thank you, thank you! I will be posting more very soon!