Can HttpService please support RESTful Http Methods?

There are a lot of good RESTful APIs out there that I would like to use on ROBLOX, but have to go through the pain of creating a backend server because they use Http methods such as PUT, DELETE, and I think a few others. I’m pretty sure this shouldn’t be too hard to implement, and would make life a lot easier.

Reference just in case:

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What APIs are you wanting to use? This seems like a good suggestion.

Thank you for your highly detailed and informative post.


I think it would be nice to just have a generic Http request capability, then the ability to pass the method type to that. Kinda like you would do with just about any other Http API.


local response = httpService:Send {
   Method = "GET",
   URL = "",
   Header = {}
   -- etc.

Thank you for your highly detailed and informative post.[/quote]

I am looking to use services such as Google APIs for Data Storage, and other useful resources. Mainly Data Storage, however. I do have a PHP/MySQL setup that works, but I am worried it won’t last well under load (and to bump it up, it would cost a lot of extra money). Besides my reason, I don’t understand why ROBLOX doesn’t allow HttpService to support such features. It should have been included on release.

I’d like this as well. The Trello API requires this for full usage.

Many of these features will never be allowed on ROBLOX because of the security of ROBLOX itself. At least that’s the reason they’ll give.

Headers are the only ‘no’ I’ve seen.

This would be the best API for HTTPService, IMO:

    method = "GET", -- Any HTTP method. Could also be an Enum.
    url = "",
    [body = "Hello, world!",] -- Optional. Only required for requests which need a body.
    [cache = true] -- Optional. If false, the response will not be cached.
-- Or, if it /absolutely/ needed to be a method and not accept a table:
HttpService:RequestAsync(string url[, string method = "GET"[, string body = nil]]) -- Again, 'method' could be an Enum.
HttpService:RequestNoCacheAsync(string url[, string method = "GET"[, string body = nil]]) -- Instead of using a boolean argument for caching, I decided a new method would be better as it means that the body would not need to be supplied as 'nil' when sending a non-caching GET/bodiless request.

Another suggestion would be that HTTPService get XML encoding/decoding support too. Admittedly, XML isn’t as awesome as JSON but IIRC some web services only provide XML responses. XML (not simple XML - I mean stuff like RSS feeds) is a pain to parse/lex correctly using pure lua pattern matching. Plus, unless ROBLOX’s JSON parser implements JSON-LD, XML can use a schema to ‘typecheck’ data to ensure it is the correct format.

Bumping this once since it was moved.