Can HumanoidRootPart and Head touch in a Custom Rig?

I’m rigging a few custom models now, but in one of them, where I’d normally put the HumanoidRootPart would touch the head. I remember there being problems like if I make the Head too big it would touch the ground and make the character slide around because it’s forced to be CanCollide in Humanoid rigs.

So, before start setting this up, is there a problem with the HumanoidRootPart and Head touching in a rig?
Also, the UpperTorso is collidable and touches the HumanoidRootPart, but it is always touching the HumanoidRootPart, the Head will sometimes move away and come back to touching.

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Could you make the Rootparts collide false? If not I would use a FakeHead.

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No, I can’t make HumanoidRootPart and Head uncollidable, but thanks for the idea about a fake head

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