Can I use other people's Roblox marketplace catalogue avatar items in my game?

Am I allowed to use other people’s Roblox marketplace catalogue avatar items (e.g. shirts, pants, hair, faces etc) in my own Roblox game and do I need to purchase them with Robux?
I found this plugin where you can just search any avatar item on Roblox and paste in the ID. The plugin then inserts that avatar item into your game and I was wandering if that’s allowed.
Which one of these 3 options is true?

  1. I can use any avatar items from the Roblox catalogue without paying and put them in my own experience - there’s no rules against it.
  2. If I buy the avatar item with robux then I can use it in my own experience otherwise, it’s not allowed.
  3. No matter what, I can’t put avatar items that aren’t created by me in my own experience.

I usually go with #1. However, sometimes out of common courtesy, I will buy the asset for use in the game. Furthermore, you don’t need a plugin to insert marketplace items. Just use the following command on the command line:

game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(<Asset Id>).Parent = game.Workspace

That loads the asset directly into the workspace as a model.


So you sure that it’s completely fine and even if my game get’s big it won’t get me in any trouble?


I haven’t seen any rules against it, and my understanding is that anything on the marketplace is considered public and is free to use in an experience. Furthermore, a few months ago, Roblox wanted to do a policy change that if you used a market place item (avatar) in your game and equipped it to a character, you had to give the user the option to purchase it via Robux. The outcry was tremendous and Roblox was forced to revert the policy change.

But when your game get’s big and you start to have a revenue stream, go back and pay the Robux for the items that you use. Although not required, it’s considered common courtesy to do so. There are quite a few high quality items on the marketplace and the creators deserve to be paid for their work. Although that might be hard, if not impossible for limited and/or serial items.