Can we just have unlimited friends already?

I don’t want to accept any friend requests because it’s unfair to the people who don’t get accepted.

I’m being harassed by little children because I won’t accept their friend requests. If we just removed the limit then everyone would be happy.

Followers are unlimited so why can’t friends be?


Ignore the little children’s FRs? They can’t always get what they want. If someone is harassing you to give them robux, you’re not just gonna give it to them right?


It sounds like a scalability problem for all the recent friend related features. If I remember correctly, friends lists used to be unlimited, but have shifted over to this limited state to solve scalability problems. You can follow as many people as you’d like instead :tongue:


I try not to be one of those developers that stays silent while they play. I like to talk to people. The problem with that is they almost always ask me for a friend request, and then I have to explain why I don’t every single time.

Wouldn’t it just be easier to accept everyone’s friend requests?


The friends list was designed to organize friends and make it easy on developers (Roblox engineers and game developers) to develop better experiences for friends; not make everyone feel special for being on said list. The 160 people or so I have on my friends are friends I have made in game or at a Roblox event.


No, and that’s not what the feature is for. You don’t have to stay silent or ignore them – whenever some asks me, I tell them I can’t because I use my friends list to restrict access to my places. No further explanation needed. Not being able to tell people “no” sounds like a personal problem, and not an issue with the friends feature.


Yeah, that does happen all the time. I usually don’t ignore people either, so when they ask me for friend requests I just say “I don’t accept FRs, sorry.” People usually understand and move on.


I feel like that’s more the point of the follow system. Follow developers you admire, friend your… friends. I keep my friends list limited to people I actually know and talk to regularly for that reason. Maybe that’s just me, I think it devalues the friend system if you just have a ton of randos in your friends list.
Moreover I don’t think too many people have more than 200 people they consider friends, so the limit seems reasonable to me tbh.

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Appears we all have different experiences. Here is how my conversations end up working out:


I think your suggestion isn’t really solving what you want to get rid of. A better solution would be the ability to turn off friend requests.


They would still harass me in the chat though.


/block annoyingKid


Problem we have is that you can only block 50 people. More info on why here:


Good point.

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ignore annoying user

developer happens to avert eyes from chat when annoyingKid chats.


from my experience, if I don’t accept somebody’s friend request then they thumb down my games.


Sometimes I wish they would just go back to the Friends (Followers) and Best Friends (Friends) option, it seemed so much more convenient. Simply accept all and both sides are happy I guess? Best Friends was hidden then so no one really ever asked if they could be their best friend.

for developers probably, bragging rights for them too lol.

I liked the friend system we had before where you could have friends and “best friends” and you could give them permissions

But i feel what younare saying, but at once i see why we have the limit.


Yeah i seen similar things.

They ask for friend request, if declined they have negative views of you and your products.

Accepted and they have their day made and admire you even more

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Why can’t we have unlimited friends?

To prevent servers from overloading when trying to fit you into a server that your friend is playing in.

Why can’t we block more than 50 people?

Presumably for similar reasons.

If I can’t block more than 50 people, what can I do to stop people annoying me ingame?

Use the /mute command in chat. It works identical to the /block command except it does not add the user to the limited block list.

The server overloading thing is not a joke or small issue. Large changes to the way data is handles have already been made to prevent this. You are no longer able to use MarketplaceService to get badge ownership.