Can we just have unlimited friends already?

this happens so much "!!!



Since I don’t have any games and I’m not popular, I generally just accept the friend request if they’re nagging me in game, and then unfriend them right before I leave the game using the leaderboard, or right after if they leave before me.

If you’re keeping friends and only friends on your friends list then honestly 200 would be more than enough.

If little children go as far as to harass you for not accepting your friend requests, you simply ignore them, it’s as simple as that.

Like others have said, followers exist for a reason.



Sometimes it’s just hard to not accept friend requests; even from random people. The thing is whenever sometimes I go into a game and people seem to like/talk to me, they always send a friend request to me. It’s ultimately hard to decide whether to accept or decline a friend request due to only having 200 friends.

I don’t like ignoring people and I usually say, “I only friend people that I know in real life or know them really well due to only having 200 max friends.”

This has always been a consistent problem (since the update happened prior few years back) not just for me, but other ordinary people or youtube creators or developers.

I know scalability is a problem to this, but what exactly is too large or too small? Roblox wanted us to become more social. We had a “best friends” and “friends” option.

I want to hear some opinions about this, so please try to be as specific as you can.