I’m currently having the following Issue:
What are you attempting to achieve? (Keep it simple and clear)
I wanted to make a Meshpart non-Collidable
What is the issue? (Keep it simple and clear - Include screenshots/videos/GIFs if possible)
After turning off “Cancollide” a Meshpart still collides!
What solutions have you tried so far? (Have you searched for solutions through the Roblox Wiki yet?)
I tried to remove the Tick by Cancollide.
I hope you can help me,
Regrds, Some
Try to make a script at ServerScriptService and write this:
game.Workspace.THENAMEOFTHEMESHPARTHERE.CanCollide = false
Did it work? If so, remember to press the solution button.
If it worked, glad that I helped
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Unfortunly not quite, I’m not sure if i’m doing It wrong but
I probably do it wrong, because I know like 000000,1% of Roblox Scripting
At the “THENAMEOFTHEMESHPARTHERE” did you wrote the name of the mesh?
Use a SpecialMesh in a Part then turn CanCollide off.
Yes, The Mesh is called “L1” where do I have to put the Script? I tried ServerScriptService, just doesen’t work…
What’s a specialMesh? I’ve never heard of this.
May 1, 2021, 8:15pm
Can we just see pictures please?
That code just toggled CanCollide to false, which is exactly what you said you did in the main post. And using a Special mesh is also not a solution.
Just show us what you see in Explorer and Properties.
May 1, 2021, 8:15pm
Go to workspace, then press the “+” button, then search for “Special” and it will show up the SpecialMesh.
This is how you insert a special mesh.
May 1, 2021, 8:21pm
Is the wall around the door a Union? Are there other parts occupying that space? Have you checked Collision Geometry?
Check these before we can go further
All Parts of the Model are MeshParts, nothing is blocking.
Could you please tell me how to do this?
May 1, 2021, 8:23pm
Try to ungroup the model and insert a script into ServerScriptService and write:
game.Workspace.L1.CanCollide = false
May 1, 2021, 8:23pm
Check the Roblox wiki, please. I’m mobile and you can find all the info there.
1 Like
I don’t find a entry of that in the Wiki
May 1, 2021, 8:25pm
@FrendsDev and @oscoolerreborn please do not suggest code to fix these problems. The OP clearly stated multiple times that collisions are already false .
Your posts aren’t helpful.
@SomeElevatorGuy use the search function on the dev forums then. I know it’s been talked about before.
Edit, apologies, the place to look is the Dev Hub, and the tool is called Show Decomposition Geometry. You can also search this term on the dev forums.