Cannot commit any scripts (Http 500)

commit failed with internal error: Publish Assets - Http status error (500) HTTP 500 (Internal Server Error), response body ‘’




studio servers are having a hiccup right now. anything that requires the servers does not work.


Affects: saving, publishing and committing scripts to my knowledge.

There’s a thread in development discussion talking about it:

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Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

@MetatableIndex Are you still seeing this issue? I was not able to reproduce the issue locally

Hi, this was an incident where studio related functions such as saving and publishing weren’t functional for about an hour or so, but it was quickly resolved and hasn’t been a problem since.

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This issue is happening again right now, nothing is working properly.

The original issue reported in this thread seems to be resolved and was related to a temporary outage. If you are having additional issues, please create a new thread and be as descriptive as possible when documenting the problems you are seeing.

It does not lt me create a topic. How can I do it?

Please take a look at the rules and guidelines for submitting a bug report. This also includes how to request access for creating new topics. How to post a Bug Report

Already put in a request months ago and it never got a response, and I still don’t know how to submit a bug report.