Cannot favorite or unfavorite games

When I click to un-favorite or favorite a game, it visually appears to work, but does not persist. Upon refresh, the action is not saved. No errors seem to show in the Chrome console. At the current moment, I cannot favorite or un-favorite any game. I’ve tried on 2 different PCs with different ISPs.

I am running Chrome Version 116.0.5845.188 (Official Build) (64-bit). I’ve also tried on Edge.

If I use a different account it works as intended. Seems to only be an issue for my particular account.


I was having this same issue around a month ago but it was fixed (for me) by engineers shortly after. After testing again just now, the issue has not popped up again so it must be an account-based fix? @skpm_plz

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when there’s any update on the issue.

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Hey guys, this is a localized problem that should be fixed. Going to close out the thread. Thanks for the report!

Following up to confirm I still cannot favorite, unfavorite, like, or dislike games. Please let me know if you need me to test.

Just reached out to the team, hang tight!

Hi @chickenputty, I believe the issue should be fixed for you now. Please let us know if it is not!


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