The Building Support sub-category is intended for all development support relating to architecture on the Roblox platform. This includes questions ranging in difficulty from extremely basic to even the most technical of issues.
You may present your thread how you choose, but you are required to answer the following questions in your thread;
What are you attempting to achieve? Bunke4
What is the issue? Can’t enter/exit
What solutions have you tried so far? removing door
You need to provide more info for us to further help you. This includes either a photo or a video. You also need be more descriptive as to what you need help with so we can help you further.
I’ve had this problem before and you cant actually fix the union part. best thing you can do is turn off collisions for the bunker and add invisible blocks to act as “touchable wall”, or you can just not use unions but use groups instead.
Check your CollisionFidelity and set it to PreciseConvexDecomposition or Default via the Union’s Properties. You might as well need to check other unions/meshes that could be blocking the way over that spot.
I also recommend using “Mesh Optimization Tools” plugin by CloneTrooper1019 to help you check their hitboxes.