Cannot open older version of experience

I was programming an experience owned under a group and got thisbug in studio, so I tried opening a previous version of the game that was working correctly. On trying to open this previous version, I get this error.

A private message is associated with this bug report

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

Hi, what version of the game was it? Possible to send the corrupted version/file via DM?

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Yup, will send you the file now!

Hey, any word on this? I still receive an error. Same game

Do you think this could be because I have permissions to edit that specific game, but not permission to edit all group experiences as a role?

Hi. I want to check a few things

  • this game has team create enabled
  • you gained edit permission to that group owned game via Manage collaborator plugin rather than a group role that has “edit all group experience” permission.