Cannot play Roblox when Destiny 2 is running

Cannot play Roblox when Destiny 2 is running.

Expected behavior

Roblox should not fail to run if any other 3rd party games are open in the background with their anticheats.


Workaround: Dont play destiny 2 while on roblox


I mean it should get fixed, It’s the anti-cheats fault. Not like hes making a post saying that his pc can’t handle both at the same time or something.


The anticheat also goes off when attempting to play VRChat while ROBLOX is open, I’ve noticed. Anticheat should not be preventing other games from running, so I hope this is addressed.


why you want to play roblox and destiny 2 at the same time???

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Maybe he play an afk game on Roblox


I would say this most likely would be happening because the anti-cheat is detecting the other anti-cheat as suspicious, due to the level of system access anti-cheat software usually grant themselves.
(and, as the others said… unless you got 2 people on one machine, there is no reason to run these 2 games at the same time)

Not being able to farm garden of salvation greatly impacts my workflow… This needs to be fixed asap

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Does it show up with an “Error 403” after some time? because if so, this bug might be related to an issue I currently have.

Roblox just refuses to start and literally hangs on 12% CPU for over an HOUR and then maybe a 10% chance it errors out with Error 403, which is related to authentication. The only solution is to use the sub-par Windows store version.
I haven’t been able to find any solution to this but if it’s the same error I might finally have a lead after a month of silence from the client.

Edit: I found the issue. It was Rivatuner Statistics. :man_facepalming:

Hello Joey,

Thank you for contacting us. We were able to reproduce and debug the issues in-house, and it turns out the culprit is BattleEye. BattleEye opens the client process and attempts to inject an unknown payload. Unfortunately, Hyperion is designed to prevent exactly this. We are in contact with the developers of BattleEye, and hope this issue can be resolved soon. For the time being, we recommend termination of all games using BattleEye before starting the Roblox client.


I can’t believe this is actually an issue that somebody would encounter.


That’s…unusual to say the least, and bad behavior on the part of BattleEye. I wonder what payload that an anti-cheat would trying to inject into the Roblox client. Perhaps it recognizes that the Roblox client is a game and it’s trying to inject itself into Roblox’s memory space? I went to BattleEye’s website an there is no mention of this. BattleEye runs at the kernel level.

Have Roblox engineers tried to decipher what the payload actually is?

I’m curious.