I’m being blocked from easily creating devproducts at https://www.roblox.com/universes/configure?id=UNIVERSEID#/#developerProducts
Screenshot example: (one of many names I tried to change it to)
Expected result: The name of the file in my computer should not affect my ability to upload something. Or at least change the filter to something less strict than a whitelist with a dozen words
The name of the dev product already has a much nicer filter, and that’s actually what’s being displayed to the user.
Current workaround: We have to rename the image file to something like “marble” so it passes, change the file name back on your computer, then repeat for every other devproduct you’re uploading (since you can’t just rename every file name to “marble” because filenames can’t be the same.) This workflow is not acceptable
Addition: I’ve searched some threads and found other people were also confused at this error message; originally I thought it was the devproduct’s name causing the blockage.
This isn’t a help and feedback post and the OP has already mentioned this, which the workaround is completely not the most efficient thing, hence the point of the entire post. Changing the file name over and over and trial and error with it is exactly what is said to be irritating.
Plus, changing a file name to something acceptable by the filter often results in the loss of relevancy of the name, which is certainly bad. Full support for this.
I am in the process of checking over bug reports and following up on some bugs that haven’t received any activity in a while.
Is this issue still occurring or can you confirm that this bug has been resolved? We are having a hard time reproducing this issue.
Steps: Go to your game’s page, click Configure This Game, developer products, Create New, then select an image. In this case, the image on my computer is named don1
we had the same issue reported here but to echo what I posted there:
the error message here is misleading - it’s actually the name of your Developer Product that’s being blocked. could you try a different product name and see if that works?
It is not because of the developer product name. It is the image name in my computer that prevents it from being selected in the roblox popup window on the site. Take a look at this video
Changing the entry fields for Name, Description, and Price in Robux will not let it pass. I need to actually change the name of the file being uploaded from my computer, which is a bug unique to only this upload point, which breaks the workflow.
The whole form is checked when you upload the file, which is why the error is showing at that time - it’s not being properly uploaded because you don’t have Name populated during the time of upload. Admittedly it’s not great, but we’re working on some updates to this general section/area to improve overall user experience.
When you load the page, does your browser show any errors? Feel free to PM me or respond to this with additional details. Also - what browser and OS are you on?