Can't Edit A Post on Bulletin Board

For some reason the edit button doesn’t show up on my post in bulletin board.

Here’s the picture of the post, all other posts work.

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Click the 3 dots then click the pencil icon. If that does not work, tell me.

Doesn’t work.

It looks like if your topic is old enough it can’t be edited anymore, but this wasn’t the case. Perhaps this was accidentally configured?


Wait so it locks editing if the post is too old?

Yes, this is a default Discourse feature. Discourse lets admins configure how long after authors can edit their post.

(this is a screenshot from another Discourse forum I am an admin on)

My theory is that this was accidentally configured, since this wasn’t the case before.


I’m also having this same exact issue. It’s kind of irritating because I noticed my Trello link wasn’t linked anymore and I went to link it once again, but I cannot edit my post anymore, and I also have an update I would like to list. Is there a way to get that undone? I know many other developers have had posts they have edited on for YEARS, but I don’t edit mine for two months, and all of a sudden I can’t even edit it anymore. Just take it down at that point.

Woah, calm down there; this was likely a mistake when devrel configured the forum. In the meantime reply to your own topic in #bulletin-board; as the OP you are able to do that.


I’m going through the same issue on the portfolio sub-section. I can’t edit the portfolio I made, which is necessary since I feel the examples do not accurately reflect my current style/level of experience. In addition, often a client randomly wants their commission taken down, and I would be unable to do this now.

Extremely inconvenient, I hope roblox fixes this. Making a new portfolio would be out of the question since I spent hours building the one I have now, with a years worth of vouches and likes on it. :confused:

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Hey all, thanks for the feedback regarding this. This change was made in response to developers editing their old posts as a way to delete them, rather than requesting us to remove their posts. As this is causing issues I’ve reverted the change. We will continue to investigate ways to prevent this from happening while still allowing you to edit your old topics. Sorry about that!