Can't go to Grape Headphones

Try as I might, it is impossible everytime to click the Grape Headphones. Instead, I am redirected back to the catalog. I go on the catalog, and try to click them, and it just redirects me to the catalog.

Same when I click this link: Grape Headphones - Roblox

I am on Firefox Quantum.

Related: Corrupt Future Cone [Fixed]


This is a problem, that Iā€™m sure by now Roblox knows is a thing. It seems to happen on all new hats and stuff. Idk.

Confirmed Chrome Dev and Chrome mobile

Confirmed on Vivaldi (based on Chrome, though).

Fixed now for me, anyone else?

Still redirecting on Chrome PC

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Works fine for mac chrome.

Fixed on Chrome Dev and Chrome mobile.

Seems to be fixed.

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