Probably a dumb question i have no idea how i disabled this pleaase help im tweaking
Here are things you could try to fix the problem :
- restart studio
- check in the keybinds menu if shift is still assigned to that action
- if none of this works you can still manually change the size using the property tab
What’s the action called in the keybinds menu? I can’t find anything called uniform scale : P
I just had this problem but for some reason for me at least it was moved from shift > alt, hope this helps
oh my god io hate that so so much
Here is where they made all the changes
Yup, it is Alt now.
As mentioned in the linked post, sorry for the pain of putting you through repeated shortcut changes during the beta.
literally sobbing
Are you guys not wanting to make this an option? Like make it possible to change the uniform scale keybind?
Ideally it would just be a bindable shortcut but Qt and thus Studio’s shortcut system does not natively support bindable hold-to-X shortcuts, only bindable press-to-X shortcuts.
It is possible to make into a bespoke Studio setting specifically to swap those shortcuts but we really don’t want to do that because it becomes a huge pain / extra discussion on every project involving hold-key behavior: “How is this tool supposed to interact with those users who asked for the swapped Alt/Shift setup?”
I really appreciate your openness and willingness to talk about studio features, its not something I see with roblox staff too often
take care!