I found a fix. Repeatedly click in the white page just sorta fix the issue for me on PC. Not sure why, but it worked.
hmm. that’s still strange and not ideal behavior. my team will be investigating this issue further this week.
It’s still happening and its been a week. Is there any workaround while its being fixed
This has been happening to me too, it’s been happening for about the past 2 weeks and it’s a huge inconvenience for me since I’ve updated a few of my developer products and the images display the wrong amounts. I’ve had to add an in-game note about this for the time being.
still happening to me right now, tried on both firefox and edge browser, same problem.
It has been more than a year since this bug was reported. I still can’t update any developer product icons and there is no known workaround.
- Having a wrong icon for developer product is potentially misleading to the customer.
- In my case, two of my developer products initial icon were moderated, and now I can’t even update it with the correct icon. Imagine customers trying to purchase something with no icon, how sketchy is that?
This is quite a serious issue and can someone please look at this?
I’m getting the same problem when trying to upload
Do you actually have the same issue as in first post, or do you have the issue @royee354 pointed out?
The latter should get its own thread.
i had the same issue as @royee354 pointed out, but noticed that OP’s problem was with creating a new dev product, not updating it, so I created a new bug here:
it appears to have been fixed for me today.
I searched quickly and found out we are being locked out of uploading game products images.
We get error 429, which translates to “You’re uploading too much, please wait and try again later.”
The error 429 comes from checking the browser’s console when getting the infinite loop of dev product uploading.

Sentry constantly 429s and it has nothing to do with uploading the DevProduct image as far as I’m aware.
Where does sentry constantly 429s ? Is there any post about that?
Just visit any Roblox page such as a game page and check your console, you should see a few sentry errors at least after a few reloads.
This has been happening to me, but there aren’t any errors in the console.
I checked out what was happening when it errors and it seems that the DevProduct tab in Place Settings cannot upload a DevProduct icon as it tends to infinitely load. You can use the Experience Settings page instead.
With the experience setting it works, but no matter the name i put to the file, that it says it contains inappropiate text and it doesn’t let me update
I have used these two solutions, they work for me
We also have issues with this, and we are trying to update the icon on an existing developer product where all texts previously passed moderation.
Edit: Workaround does not work for us
We are attempting to set:
Name: BMX Stat Point
Description: 1 character stat point to upgrade your BMX stats with.
Place: Vans World
Product id: 6679274937