Can't upload image for my Developer Product

This is happening to me too. I tried using the studio settings page, but the button to add an image is gone. I can’t get it to work by trying anything.

Same issue here, also attempted to upload images through studio to no avail.

@pizza_shadows is there any Update for us? or did your Team find anything? it would be very helpful if you have any News about this problem.

Can confirm this is still a problem. Haven’t been able to update our dev product images in over a week.

sorry - no news yet. I’ll try to get an update


Idk if this is connected but now I can’t even change my game’s description…
This is the game in question if this helps:

Can you try again? We pushed a fix for this issue (bug originally reported here).


Yea it’s fixed now, thank you! Any idea when the Dev Product thing will be fixed?

Great to hear!

Re: the dev product bug… You’ll have to ask in the Dev Product thread and see if someone has an update!

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But this is the Dev Product thread lol, but thanks anyways

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Oh you’re totally right! I am just completely uninvolved in the Dev Product bug so I have no details. I would continue to @-mention pizza_shadows for updates. :slight_smile:

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You have to edit the developer product from the configure experience page of your game, not the configure place page.

I used the experience page and it worked for me, but when I used the configure place it dindn’t.

In the photo it shows you are using the configure place page. Try using the configure experience page.

sorry folks for the late reply - my team is still working on this. it’s a bit of a complicated situation so it’s taking some time to resolve


as long as the issue will be resolved we can understand the time we must wait. :+1:

hey all - please only use the experience-level create flow to create developer products. we are planning to stop supporting place-specific associations for developer products in the near future (from what I understand, the place-specific version hasn’t been working for a long time)


Would be nice to officially have a ‘warning’ on the page saying that it shouldn’t be used in favor of the configure experience page as I have been blissfully unaware of the presence of the tab on the configure experience tab for years, which means others will likely to continue to use it, thinking it’s the ‘right’ way to do it.

On top of this, this bug can still occur even when using the configure experience page.

my team’s looked into the config experience flow and I think it’s been resolved, but definitely let us know if it’s still happening.

we’re also updating the page to reflect my previous post - I just posted ahead of time before we’ve released the update so that folks know that there is an alternative


It is not resolved yet. I can still not upload any photos to my newly created developer product. Game: [🔥CODE🔥] Digimon Masters - Roblox

The page keeps loading forever whenever I try to upload a photo to the developer product. I tried on two laptops and my phones, and the problem persists regardless of the devices.

are you going through Configure ExperienceDeveloper Products or Configure Start PlaceDeveloper Products ?

I am going through start place