CanvasDraw Module Archive

Version 1.0 | December 2021 - Jan 2022:

Original proof of concept module.

Very limited. Uses frames for every pixel. Restricted to 1:1. Very slow.

CanvasDraw1.0.0.rbxm (6.0 KB)
CanvasDraw1.1.0.rbxm (6.6 KB)

Version 2.0 | Feb - Sep 2022:

Reworked version with a much faster and dynamic canvas system that uses a compression system with frames with UIGradients to hold 10 pixels or more.

Adds PNG image reading, rendering and storing within games via custom image instances.

Limited to 256x256. Lags with lots of dense colours.

CanvasDraw2.2.0.rbxm (13.8 KB)
CanvasDraw2.3.1.rbxm (15.6 KB)
CanvasDraw2.4.0.rbxm (15.9 KB)
CanvasDraw2.5.2.rbxm (17.3 KB)
CanvasDraw2.6.0.rbxm (18.8 KB)

Version 3.0 | Sep 2022 - Nov 2023:

CanvasDraw now becomes object oriented and can support multiple canvases.

Optimized drawing and image based methods.

CanvasDraw3.0.0.rbxm (18.0 KB)
CanvasDraw3.1.2.rbxm (21.8 KB)
CanvasDraw3.4.1.rbxm (25.5 KB)

Version 4.0 - Studio Beta | Jan 2024 - Present:

Reworked to use roblox’s new EditableImage class for super fast drawing and rendering whichs runs up to 10 times faster than before.

Resolution limit of 256x256 removed.

Adds obtainable ImageData via roblox image assets, new advanced ImageData methods, canvas pixel transparency support, and more.

Designed during the EditableMesh and EditableImage studio-only beta period.

CanvasDraw4.0.2.b.rbxm (27.3 KB)
CanvasDraw4.1.1.b.rbxm (28.4 KB)
CanvasDraw 4.2.1.b.rbxm (30.3 KB)

Drag and drop the rbxm file into your roblox studio window to insert