Captcha is way too long, making it impossible to login

Whilst trying to login to my account, I noticed the captcha is 20 pages which is impossible to complete in under the certain amount of time you have to login. So basically it’s impossible for me to login to my roblox account. No matter how fast I complete the captcha it just isn’t fast enough to beat the amount of time you have to complete a captcha.



Captcha is a horrible creation.
Edit: You most likely got 20 pages due to multiple failed attempts.


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Yes, however when a captcha is becoming unbelievably long, even though I don’t struggle with this issue myself, it becomes an issue because Nanonauts can’t actually log in at all with the time given.

As Diablo said:

I feel like captchas should just be more diverse, because programmers easily can code their way out of these problems through trial and error, and it’s clear that the current way is not working for any good at all; bots are still getting through, and actual humans cannot log in.

Sorry for the longer response, but something like this does need addressing by the Roblox moderation teams.


I’m sure we can think of something better, you must have faith in our ability to think. Captcha is to prove that you are human, so the question is, how can you prove you are human without unnecessary puzzles?

Just think about that question, ponder it. There is always a solution. If we all think together of ways to prove we are a human, we can come up with something good. Humans are better than just puzzles, machines can solve puzzles. What can humans do that machines can’t? We are better at plenty of things other than image recognition.


The puzzles aren’t “unnecessary” but it does spark the question as if we can tell a bot from a human without the extras. It doesn’t seem easy, but just an ever evolving captcha system would work.

Shorter captchas, but “harder” puzzles. Harder being they take longer for a computer to wrap itself around, while a human can do it easily.

However, if we’re all thinking of a way to prove we are human, so are the programmers. As there is a solution to everything, there is a solution to programming a robot to do the same, and that is the issue we are coming across in modern technology today. Exploits in code, to even just breaking into code to destroy it from the inside out like what happened in Treacherous Towers recently: the game was ripped open and abused.


All of you have good points, but captcha is like an anti-cheat software. Programmers are always in an arms race to fight the bypass and its always a good idea to have some defense to rely on and avoid more damage, its better to wear a helmet rather than nothing in a war.


Imagine making every single kid and adult in a school wear armor every single day in case of a shooter. Both bots and shooters are rare anomalies that do eventually happen, but the price paid makes it over ridiculous protection.


The main issue with a system such as this is that it makes it easier for bots to get past than humans. Bots will naturally have far faster actions, as they are not limited by physical constraints in the same way as any organic being would be. As a result, what is impossible to do within a given time for a human may very well be possible for bots to do automatically.


Exactly. What we need is a reliable way to prove humans are not bots, by having the human do something a bot could never do in a million years. Image recognition isn’t the best choice.


Not necessarily. If you update a captcha so often that the code has to involve so many if statements to cycle through a captcha, then humans can actually be faster than a computer can, even with the physical restraints.

Making different types of captcha, for example maths, simple trivia, word correction, etc, then make sub-categories with all the questions in each, there’s so many if statements that it causes mass issues in a computer’s system, while a human can process it fine, since they only need one solution.

This would, of course, take hours to make, but overall it should stop bots as much as possible, as long as it’s constantly updated.

Edit: This is obviously a simplified example, but it would be doable, it’s just like with some plugin viruses, when they overload a computer with parts in studio so it crashes when ran. This, however, would be the same scenario, but the code would most likely overload the computer to the point where after so many if statements, it crashes itself, thus fixing the problem.


Realistically, something similar to Google’s ReCatchpa V3 service would be far more effective, as tracking how a given user is interacting with elements on a page over time, automatically learning from user behavior based on an initial set of data, allowing for bots to be combated without impacting normal users within most circumstances.


Why are we gonna bring this, no defense make the bots easier to make and it would bring tons of them to the website

It’s hard to think new ways to solve the problem, bots evolve each time and its mandatory to upgrade our systems before they get to outdated, this is to control the damage and it helped a lot.

It doesn’t matter, as i said bots evolve and each time they become more complex. It’s better to keep evolving our systems so the bots become harder to make and their price will cost much more at the point were there will be less and less and less…

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Isn’t that violating our privacy rights? For what i understanded it tracks our behavior and the websites we visit, if that’s the case then it could become a really dangerous spy weapon.


A better captcha, why can’t they just use ReCaptcha? hm?

There are other useful ways to verify you aren’t a robot, altered text is one of those, which image is a traffic light captchas would be good.


It’s more complex than you may think, bots already bypassed recaptcha in the past

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Explain why other websites have less bots then Roblox.

Is our system, that great?


It is a good start but Roblox needs to improve it.


What websites, also Roblox already used recaptcha in the past and bots bypassed it. If you don’t believe me then you can check inactive public groups over there and you will find tons of scam bots spamming into the wall

Websites like Scratch, Reddit (for some reason), YouTube I have never seen a bot on those platforms.

I a just saying the captcha can be approved.


Personally, I feel that the most effective way to combat bots based on machine learning would realistically be to fight back against said bots with a separate machine learning algorithm, as, through such a system, it would realistically be possible to at least remain on-par with the increasing abilities of bots. Keep in mind, I only know how this would work in theory, as I am not a programmer. Given that, according to Roblox’s Corporate website’s homepage, Roblox has over 2.5 billion hours played every month, it would be impossible to directly keep up with this manually.

As per the privacy concerns that you raised, the information gathered by any given website running using google services of any kind is identical to that gathered from ReCatchpa, unless the “Invisible” form is used. Additionally, even Google cannot identify the sources for the data within their algorithms after a short period of time, so the risks of another human ever seeing your data are minuscule.