Capture The Castle / Devlog #13

Here’s how the game works: Both teams spawn in a small castle. The goal is to capture the other teams castle. To achieve this, you have to get inside of the castle. You fight with medieval weapons, such as swords and bows.
Game Link
Last Devlog

Here’s what I did last month:

UI Redesign:
I spent most of the time redesigning my UI, making it look more medieval and cleaner.

Capture UI:

Team choosing gui:

Playtime rewards:

Round end UI:


I also added some new gui effects.

I Improved all the tool animations and applied the changes to all tools mentioned in the last devlog.
I also added a trail to the arrow:

If you have anything I could improve in the game or in the devlog, please tell me, I appreciate any feedback.

If you would like to be informed about the game, you can join my group here: Medieval Clothings - Roblox

Things I’ll do next:

  • Continue remaking the UI

Thanks for reading


It’s not a good sign when the second I join your game, I’m hit with a bunch of errors. And the UI for the game is extremly horrible. I know you’re remaking it but it’s not even good to start with. Try to make it much better by adding custom decals/textures for UI elements

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Yes, I know that the UI is bad right now. I didn’t add any of the new UI yet, the new UI has much more decals and textures than before.
Also for the error, I’m going to fix it, but that’s a harmless error that doesn’t change anything, so I didn’t fix it yet.

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