Capture The Flag update (2/1/23)

New updates

  1. New lobby
  2. New VIP room
  3. New gamepass (10 Robux)
  4. Added portals to our affiliated teams (A Flagged Capture EggBadges)
  5. Removed sponsored game portal
  6. Fixed server region text
  7. Added Roblox’s Shorelines Beta

Updates to come soon!

  1. Low poly lobby
  2. New game pass
  3. New UI’s
  4. New fall damage

Special thanks to

CTF Developers
CTF Testers
CTF community
CTF allies

Official Capture The Flag links

Game: Capture The Flag
Guilded: Capture The Flag
Roblox group: Capture The Flag Development

Official Bagel_Gaming productions links

Roblox group: Bagel_Gaming productions
Guilded: Bagel_Gaming productions

Capture The Flag update logo