Car deformation

I tried to create a very simple vehicle deformation script but its very bad. I haven’t seen anything on the devforum about vehicle deformation so I just post this so you guys can improve upon it.


Here is the model so that you can learn and improve upon it:


Disclaimer: Only the front bumper deforms.

not gonna go to in-depth.

How To Create:

  1. Add bones to car mesh using blender the more the better.
    Example:deform.fbx (155.6 KB)

  2. Import into Roblox studio by going into animation editor and clicking import from fbx.

  3. Add part into the body of the car to detect when the part is touched.

  4. You can use my script from my model to move the bones to deform the vehicle but, I used random numbers so you should try to recreate it.

  5. Add sound effects.

  6. Done


What is vehicle deformation? Could you elaborate, please?

So… when this car mesh runs into objects it gets it’s shape changed? If that’s the case, pretty cool.

Cool concept, I approve this idea.
However we usually don’t use deformation scripts since the lag risks it comes with, that does not mean you should not try of course since it would be really cool to have.

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When the car hits an object the vehicle changes shape like a car crash. Its just mesh deformation.


Cool idea! I haven’t seen much of this on the dev forum either. This is going to be awesome in games with advanced vehicle engines.

It’s like car crushers 2 deformation

it doesn’t really seem like it works?

Very interesting! I saw what you did with so say “hitboxes”, is there anyway of detecting a physical bone being touched? Because then you could spice things up :+1:

Yes, I think you can detect if the bone is touched. (Nvm I don’t think you can)

Bus version:
(found bus mesh and added bones in blender)

Blender work

Mesh & Model Link

Model link (try it out for yourself!):



Honestly, this idea has A LOT of potential and can make a game that would meet the requirements of a “beam-ng” type game; which many developers desire. I hope other people can catch on and create something with this.

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Bump, I still don’t think the Dev Forum Community realizes how close we could get to realistic car crash physics with this!

(let me know if this method is limited)