[CART RIDE GAME] Custom cart keeps going off tracks

Cart ride game

I’m making a cart game based off cart ride around a 75 KW Diesel Generator where you have to drive a cart that has a nuclear bomb on it

I made the cart mode and scripted some mechanics, but here’s the annoying thing

As you can see, the cart doesnt handle turns at all, it goes completely off track.
I’ve beent trying to fix this issue for a very long time now, and I can’t just fix it!

Any help will be appreciated :3

Try to minimize the general mass of the bomb or make it massless and have a smaller ‘fake’ weight which you cant see.

Additionally, move the center of mass more into the middle of the cart, so you can take the turn easier.

the bomb is massless

ill try moving the center of the mass in the middle of the cart

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There are soooo many posts about trains, carts, rails, derailing etc. that you should be able to find solved posts by using the Search tool.
There are 4 solved posts when I searched ‘derailing train cart’.

I can’t find solved ones though :man_shrugging:

honestly nothing is really helping, the cart still flips forward of left or right at turns

Creating a cart that can go uphill and is more stable
How do I make my minecart stay on the rails?
How to make a basic train
A small tutorial, about trains with cframe
Tutorial places I made for some of the above posts:
Train Experiment Bogies.rbxl (71.4 KB)

Test Train, bogeys with tilt (VectorForce or Hinges).rbxl (174.8 KB)

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the problem could be that nothing is forcing the cart wheels to go along the track, so it just kinda slides off

most cart ride games I see solve this with another set of wheels on the bottom of the cart that guide it around turns